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High Rollers
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Everything posted by Duggeh

  1. Maine Coons are awesome awesome cats if you can tolerate the huge fur shedding cos the bastards shed the stuff like they make
  2. Gold star pour vous.
  3. "I Remember California" is one of my favourite R.E.M. songs.
  4. I always like the whimsical of-the-moment nature of an updated post in this sort of thread. 1) O2 2) AMT 3) H2 4) K1K 5) Orthodome #4
  5. I'm sure it won't take you long to manage the full ban. Also my salutations to santa!
  6. The ALO solution for linking a sign to a table just as practical, compact and elegant as their way of linking an iPod to an amp I see.
  7. Grate mods liek moar blakgheits?
  8. Mention of sour cream makes me want a taco.
  9. Three pairs of deck shoes and two linen shirts. Now where's my Panama hat...
  10. I really liked my 202s out of the 717. Couldn't touch the O2 though.
  11. Tesla coils in place of the output RCA connectors?
  12. The thread is speaker porn. I want totally unattainable shit to whack off to. Speakers with surgically enhanced breasts and teeth whiter than the cliffs of Dover, I want airbrushing and unrealistic expectations of beauty. "Girl next door speakers" belong elsewhere!!!!
  13. Much more pricey than what I paid for an unmodded and lightly faulty unit. But I couldn't possibly comment on how fair the price is or how it realtes to whatever the stock going rate is.
  14. Seller seems a nice chap, I've spoken to him via email.
  15. Mission M62i?
  16. Brasso/Silvo?
  17. How fabulously pointlessly decadent.
  18. Hippitty Burpdai Old Boy!
  19. Grandpa passed this afternoon around 5pm. He just faded out, there was no pain. Some few hours after I visited to see him. The visit was one of the most horrible and alien experiences I've ever had. I'm not sure how many people make it to my age with no previous close family/friend death. I dont quite know where to put myself. Thank you for all your kind thoughts.
  20. Got the expected telephone call from my parents asking how the exam went. Told that grandpa is "not doing well" i.e. "he's going to die, we just don't know exactly when". Extended family gathering up. They hadn't told me so I wasn't put off my exams. So it's possible that I'll be off the radar for a bit.
  21. I want to do an MRES next year so I want to scrape every point I can.
  22. Sat my last exam ever. Went to pick up an essay. Left it behind with a complaint about unfair marking. Back tomo to see how that goes.
  23. Duggeh

    slow forum

    Awkward Boners NSFW
  24. CAEKS. om nom nom
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