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Everything posted by Duggeh

  1. I stood up too soon, after the capping, before the hood was placed round my head, managed to salvage it into what hopefully passed for some kind of shuffle though. Dad got it all on film. I'll wait to see what the footage has to say. One could only but wish that ones comtemporaries might invagle a sense of street vivality into the pompous, proposterous, pretentious, pointless, bombastic, outdated, outmoded, stodgy, stolid, unimaginative, hesitant and overceremonial procedings of the procession of the conferment of graduation upon us all. That said, I was the only male graduate in Social Anthropology, and one of a surprisingly small proportion who were in proper kilt attire rather than suited. Indeed. And thank you! Thank you squire. "Good enough, but not great." I mean to improve upon this. It's an M.Res for me next year (fingers crossed), and hopefully a Ph.D after that....... Thank you old boy. I spent the afternoon in a sort of semi-awkward celebration with various lecturers, classmates and wider graduating fellows. Then got run back home over the hill whereafter we went to my local, had a few excellent ales, went over the road to the Crusoe for dinner, waited for too long, and evetually I stormed out saying it was a joke and they needed sent a clear fucking message about being shit and went up the hill to put the oven on for pizza. The pizza was good. Thereafter I've had a few bevvies more, and logged in here. Celebrations with mates are tomo evening. And the ball is Friday. I'm sore from wearing a formal kilt attire for 13 hours.
  2. Duggeh

    Top Gear

    As I have long had linked... http://www.thismanwillkillyou.com/bunf/Gin-Asusedbyarticexplorers.jpg
  3. Graduated 2:1 Was the ( I think ) only person to fuck up the capping ceremony. Sir Menzies seemed okay with it though.
  4. The hammer is as nought without the god that may heft it.
  5. I shall ask my dad what place in Bruges he and those with him went to where half of them ended up with food poisoning so that you might avoid it.
  6. Built a wardrobe and new shelving into the end wall of my bedroom.
  7. No really.
  8. Duggeh

    slow forum

    This belongs in the slow forum thread for light giggles. But I just spent 5 minutes trying to get my ignore list to load out of the user control panel and didn't understand what was wrong (looking at RIP blocks etc) before realising that I was on head-case and not head-fi. I think that it might be time to go to bed, before I do something more obviously and badly stupid...
  9. If you do buy one make sure it comes with the cables, which terminate in a sort of mini-din. The wallmart is a simply 12v one. They were sold with the DSP Pro / LUCAS Processor under the name "Surrounder Pro" and all of the boxes, Pro or not, have a slot into which the DSP Pro fits as well as space for its wallmart. I paid
  10. Duggeh

    slow forum

  11. €1400 would buy you a set of Quad electrostatics in fine repair, nevermind that little box of bolts.
  12. Good man. Remember, it's one part Gin, one part Campari, one part Rosso Vermouth.
  13. Had my 2:1 confirmed for my degree. Much joy and celebration on part of parents and extended family, nothing from me because I fucking knew I was getting it and if it had been a 2:2 there would have been an ape throwing shit, i.e. me at the department office. Did the day-before-the-wedding funs with the extended family. Quite drunk now. Much hate and aggro over the very shitty meal for 30 people at a restaurant this evening. (menu choices given well in advance, still fuck ups, not one single pasta dish had the pasta been salted for, wine being included/not-included confusion and hate, desert being included/not-included hate and confusion, some guests fucking us over by not paying their share to such an extent as to make it worthy of a Python skit. Tomo, allowing for plans to follow through, will be epic beyond the scope of mortal men. That is however, on the proviso that I can get to sleep with the all night noise of the rave party going on tonight for another group of guests not keeping me awake. But neverthematter, I have head-case to lull away my late hours.
  14. The difficulties with the connector, bad though they are, are a far second to the difficulties caused by the cable topology. Blue Jeans FAQ section gives a most marvelous breakdown of HDMI hate.
  15. Duggeh sad at prospect of his dubiously awesome exclusivity being diluted.
  16. Only since I sold the second one. I have a NOS one in original box with all the bits and bobs and a DSP Pro to go with it, although I still haven't got round to getting the little cheater plug to make the pair work together best. Set your soundcard to 4.0 and the Surrounder is a great little toy, but Dolby Headphone is much more convenient for most situations. The original RRP was not cheap.
  17. Mike Oldfield - Tubular Bells 2009 Stereo Remaster.
  18. Duggeh

    slow forum

  19. When your facial hair looks worse than your headphones, you are not Duggeh.
  20. Someone was going to post it. I could smell it.
  21. Duggeh

    slow forum

    Lots of random crap. Very abrasive gif (nsfw). http://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/8pdpn/i_asked_my_girlfriend_to_draw_what_was_happening/
  22. Word.
  23. I cast some nominations to Kane in a PM. His generousity really is awesome.
  24. It wasn't just the bigness of the sound, or the loudness, although both of those certainly wow-factored on the first couple of tracks, it was the simply brilliant articulation of detail (which was I am sure helped by the CD player). I'd have loved to have sat there all day and got to know the system better but I don't know the chap very well so it really wasn't an option. Was the listening fatigue linked to a brightness in the sound for you?
  25. Went to a most excellent birthday party last night and ran some friends back to a place just outside of Cupar afterward. I was just going to drop them off when Kuj said that I should get shown this dude I met at the party (whose name I have unfortunately forgotten) speakers. So I go in expecting to see something nice but ultimately unremarkable. I actually made a beeline right for the CD drawers which were filled to the brim with a selection of discs I found most tasty and pulled a couple out and it wasn't until I turned round with them in hand that I saw a pair of B&W 802D and a stack of all Naim amplification and a Naim CD player. The sound was unlike anything I have ever heard, ever. Just jaw-droppingly good and the system was just sort of "in the living room" not a tweeked up rig like one would expect from the likes of us. Listened to perhaps 8 or 10 songs each of which blew me away. I need bigger speakers. Much bigger ones.
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