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High Rollers
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Everything posted by Duggeh

  1. Duggeh

    slow forum

    See page 97. The Surrounder Returns.
  2. A pillar drill, a bandsaw, a scroll saw and Lemo connectors.
  3. Kudos for the doing of this chaps.
  4. I made a pledge here and now that I will build one sometime before I'm 60.
  5. Duggeh

    slow forum

    Woman getting married to fairground ride - Telegraph
  6. Yo dawg...
  7. Transatlantic flights and a 32mm flat head drill bit.
  8. The far side of the country then? (Iceland is like 10,000 Sq miles bigger than Scotland)
  9. Hippitty Burpdai!!
  10. It really is very, very good indeed. Possibly the best beer I've ever had. The trouble is accouting for how drunk one gets at ale festivals.
  11. Get Well Soon Old Boy! In less significant news. I made my first ratebeer review today after enjoying my second bottle of Brewdog Tokyo*. BrewDog Tokyo* from BrewDog - Ratebeer
  12. My dentist is a quite hot lady. So bring it on.
  13. Or a Ouija board planchette.
  14. Duggeh

    slow forum

  15. I've all my wisdom teeth, two up top and two beneath. And yet I recognise, my mouth says things That aren't so wise. I'm having my two bottom wisdom teeth pulled on the 26th.
  16. I'd take a couple of pairs.
  17. Is there a source for SR-404Ltd pads?
  18. Part of me is morbidly curious to see what the reaction would be. Another part finds that to be an unwise course of action.
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