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Everything posted by Duggeh

  1. Duggeh

    slow forum

    Bob Dylan picked up police after officer fails to recognise him - Telegraph
  2. Duggeh

    slow forum

    Squirrel is surprise star of holiday photo - Telegraph Scene-stealing squirrel: the cheeky critter throughout history - Telegraph
  3. Stay back! I've got a soldering iron and I'm fairly certain I have a rough idea of how to use it quite badly!
  4. Might be worth a lot to a collector.
  5. I've said nothing and I continue to say nothing.
  6. I got him an Xbox 360 game. The game is a bit of a no go though because his Xbos360 broke for the 5th time a couple of days ago. I didn't get a hooker for my 18th. Although I've actually still got a chocolate Champagne bottle with "Happy Birthday Doug" on it. After 6 years it looks a bit foosty.
  7. Went over the new house plumbing with plumber. Hand stitched pads for the Thunderdome. Celebrated my brothers 18th birthday at the Railway pub quiz.
  8. Duggeh

    slow forum

  9. I put SFI drivers in a SR-3N housing. Wasn't a patch on the results using the Goldring housing. Are the SR-3 drivers working?
  10. Today I learned that soldering Lemo-00 connectors is irritating in extreme.
  11. Penknife. Dig.
  12. Indeed sir.
  13. Paste? Is it soft or hard? Does the assembly flex with the other 2 screws out? If you take the normal 3 screws out the two halfs will rotate one inside the other as they fit together by recess.
  14. That's the Austrailian model.
  15. A-10
  16. Hippitty Burpdai Squire!
  17. MP3 tags already support cover art and a notes field.
  18. How large is the HE90 driver? Aside from the Jecklin driver it's the only one I can think of that might be larger.
  19. Your ass, Frank Oz's elbow on do you feel.
  20. 1)Stax SR-007 - 2) Taket H2 3) AMT 4) Thunderdome prototype 5) Orthodome #4 6) K1000 7) Surrounder
  21. Don't judge an amp by its case or a book by its cover. I think that it's a DIY T2.
  22. Cheese and crackers.
  23. Baked banana bread. Om nom nom.
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