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Everything posted by Duggeh

  1. The thing abotu sticking mics in your own ears, is that all the noises from inside your head end up in the mics. Chewing or swallowing, breathing noises, plus keeping your own head rock still is a pita and makes it hard to even look at your recorder. I've got my head set up now. I could make a wee matchbox style recording if anyone is interested.
  2. Anyone have any experience with the Chord DAC64?
  3. Don't tempt me with things that cannot be bought!
  4. Duggeh

    slow forum

    ...I can tell from some of the pixels....
  5. Bollocks. Does this mean no more black Mk.1 pads?
  6. Most important 1st question: Is the Pass 230V switchable?
  7. Seller says he has a stock DAS-R1 he could have sent the panels from but this one is broken so its moot. Arranging refund and return now. I will now take suggestions for another DAC I guess.
  8. Fake chips if they are fake and wood thats damaged before or during postage doesn't matter because it doesn't even power up.
  9. I'm going to sift every single tiny piece of varnish out of the packaging and if it doesn't go towards covering the extent of that damage (there were no pictures of the rear of the unit on the auction). I'm going to want every single penny of my money back ASAP. I'd have cared less and swapped the panels with the stock unit I've got. But these chips are almost certainly fakes and thats fraud.
  10. Modded Sony DAS-R1 in the house. Why do I seem to manage to find the sellers who are incapable of properly packing items? Box was too small for this sort of item. And a poor box. And it wasn't even properly filled with bubblewrap so the unit bounced back and forth inside. Fucking numpties. That second crown doesn't look identical to the first one either. Anyone got an image they know for certain to be a real 2 crown? I found these: Which certainly indicate that the chips in mine are fakes.
  11. Neumann had the mics down a canal on the KU81i, and close to the entrance of the ear on the KU100 now. Of course, they've also got a shitload of clever EQ going on in both cases.
  12. Mine still hasn't arrived. Grr.
  13. If they did, they didn't press the button properly.
  14. Stealthy DHL man left sneaky DHL "you were not in" note. And took my DAC away to Perth. I was in. Grr.
  15. Yeah I was most dissapointed when it was just a sheet of paper with a number included in the box. I was expecting the sig on the book.
  16. Binge watched the entire season one of Prison Break. Then drank beer. This PhD is off to a productive start.
  17. Autographed edition?
  18. Duggeh


    Ebay uk. Only weighty one I could find anywhere over here. MD-EraW2 looks good over the pond.
  19. Duggeh


    I'm trying to find out if I might get access to the North St clock tower at the Quad. The problem is finding a bloke who knows a bloke who knows a bloke who knows a bloke. The town also has a church with some very pretty bells. I'll be investigating that too.
  20. Duggeh


    Well I went with the Tascam and the 4060 mic set. The head is the best quality mannequin head ( in terms of not being a lump of expanded polystyrene) I could find from a UK seller. Student radio at the university have expressed an interest in the idea of binaural recording. So I'm excited about what might come of that. Does anybody have any requests or indeed, suggestions for sounds of Scotland they might like to hear?
  21. Ah ferry hippitty burpdai squire!
  22. Hippitty Burpdai Santa Baby!
  23. Yeah. And today the student radio station guys seemed really interested in the whole binaural thing.
  24. Pics or ban. And share the recipe too if you can!
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