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Everything posted by Duggeh

  1. Duggeh


    Put it in a tin and dispense it like shaving foam?
  2. Squire. I would consider every single factor which proves a disincentive to my purchasing these (buying these Ety ER-4 is the final prophylactic) to be most helpful for my wallet. What I'm doing is factoring JH13s against Canjam 2010 plus time atm.
  3. "Ray, when someone asks you if you're a god, you say "YES"!"
  4. I had my picture taken by the Google Streetview car this afternoon. So you'll soon see around St Andrews methinks.
  5. My next trip will be Chicago. I'd have time for one in January but I'm already booked to go to Eigg.
  6. Thats the date of the UK meet. Not even a slim chance of a transatlantic hop.
  7. Even if he comes up with the JH-18, the JH-13 won't suddenly start sounding bad. It'll still be awesome.
  8. We'll see how I feel after the sick DAC refund. Everybody here has a JH13 now. I'd be cooler if I got a Quad CDP-2.
  9. I didn't even know that CD existed. Ordered tbh.
  10. Duggeh

    Misheard Lyrics

    [MrBurns] Yes. That's the one. [/MrBurns]
  12. Duggeh

    Misheard Lyrics

    Spot the deliberate mistake. I seriously thought that those were the words for years before I had the d'oh moment.
  13. If you don't become a human cannonball you'll have let us all down!
  14. le doobel post
  15. Yeah I played the big gamble on that DAC and lost. Fortuitously, I'll be able to hand back my cards.
  16. And be sure to puncture the petrol tank while you're in there. Plants hate petrol. Really though, sucky luck.
  17. I may or may not be having JH13 itch relapse. Arsebiscuits.
  18. That is an option, but a less sober one. Which probably isn't good news for me.
  19. While I was on the teetering slippery cusp of ordering a pair, I thought that for us US-nom-doms the best way forward would be to send impressions and get JH Audio to send out blanks. Like custom ear plugs. If they need reshaping, keep firing the blanks back and forward. Once they've got it right, you then get the actual ones made to the shape thats right. You also get a pair of custom earplugs for noisy environments into the bargain.
  20. Peter Buck really needs to get his hair cut. I had no idea he did that sort of not-REM stuff though. I'll bet it sounded awesome.
  21. The modded DAS-R1 now turns on. I discovered this as I flicked the power button a couple of times in esasperation as I was going to box it up. There is no possible explanation for this magic cure. I've done nothing to it since it first failed to turn on. *Twilight Zone Theme*
  22. Any suggestions for names since Bob is taken? Made a quick test recording with some pencils and bubblewrap. http://www.thismanwillkillyou.com/bunf/Head-Case/Binaural/DR-100_0017.mp3
  23. How are you going to fit mics that large inside the head?
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