Studyficated Of Orderlies and Men.
Put up the hand scarring christmas tree.
Made om nom nom pasta.
Bottled on fancy dress for pub quiz. Nick arrived at mine for the quiz. Was wearing skin tight lycra body suit. Obviously didn't get message.
Went to the Railway christmas pub quiz.
Left the quiz to help bus slid off road in the snow on the suddenly and very icy road. Bus stayed put.
Returned to pub.
Left pub with selection of other gents to don spades and shovels to grit the largo bridge and slopes on the road to permit stranded ambulance up the hill. Also the rescue of feckless lazy witfuck cunts who just sat in their cars and watched us scape up and grit/salt their road from their seats so that they could go home instead if sitting in their cars all fucking night.
Rescued out bus with more shovelling and gritting.
Lost the quiz. But then most of our team went to go heft salt in the cold.
Came home, ate cheese, smoked, started watching ATHF.