I hear "voxels" I think of Outcast. Fucking hell Outcast was awesome. I had to keep it in its box until I bought a new CPU, that's how awesome it was.
I also think of the original promises made for Tiberian Sun.
I'm sure that we've got a "Sunpak flash slave unit" laying in a box somewhere. No idea what the relation it might be to that, but if it's still floating somewhere and you want it, you can have it. I recognise the coiled cable and connector.
There isn't a precise definition. Chav would be the closest other word. The retronym is Non-educated Deliquent.
Pleb, wab, thug, unemployed malcontent who votes labour so that they can keep sucking benefits down. The scum of society irrespective of class or political conveiction.
Green indeed. All your power is from renewables so it doesn't matter that you haven't got any trees, and then you go setting off volcanos.
Crazy vikings.
Lets hope that disruption to air travel is as bad as it gets. A massive eruption ruining farm yields is far worse.
There are now 600,000 people who were supposed to, and now can't, fly out of the UK. I'd assume similar for the inbound numbers.
Britain turns into no fly zone due to volcanic ash cloud - Telegraph
You'd better get working on a farmhouse loaf to plug that thing. I want it stoppered by June!
I've got a pair and unless you set them to obvious mode, you don't spot what they're doing until you take them away. They help in building air and space in the sound. Sort of filling in blanks that you hadn't noticed before. Tricky to get them right and inappropriate for use with some setups. I cannot get them to agree with the Soundlabs but they could play nice with the Quad 12L in nearfield or the Quad 21L in a room setup. I have hopes of building a set of J-Lows over the summer and I'll be keen to try them with those.
The hypersonic effect isn't well understood at all, but Dr Takei at TakeT found that a supertweeter used outside of a closed headphone affects the perception of the sound too.
I will be buying the Lebowski porn. No question.
I also hold high hope that a screen version of the Shakespeare script (Two Gentlemen of Lebowski) will be made.