In the spirit of it, I sat in alone tonight and got drunk for 3am. It's as close as I'll get.
EPIC 5 Guys pics. So wish I could partake. I'll save my 5 Guys / In-And-Out for the next crossing.
Next time.....
I really wish I could be there chaps. Have a superfuckingfantastic time of it all, and post a photo or two so that the rest of us can get a wee look see!
- Posted from my iEnvy, using the Jealousy app.
I just want to stick with getting more from the Soundlabs, rather than proliferating already limited space and finances with another set of speakers with drastically different amp requirements.
I don't think that the Heed Canamp goes at all well with the K701. But then I don't think that the MF X-CAN V2 goes well with the K701 either. Because nothing goes well with the K701. Because the K701 sucks. And very sucky headphones they are!!
Is it true, you should sell the lot and buy some Stax?
For further information on the K701 and how good it is. Consult Head-Fi.
The Stax look awesome dear boy. Moar pairs of speakers is also awesome.
If you ever want to get the glass in your windows to rattle Soundlabs are the way forward for a 5th pair.