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High Rollers
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Everything posted by Duggeh

  1. The Wachowski Brothers fucking wish that the shitty Matrix sequels were even half as good as that rip off.
  2. Quad themselves made the gold amps.
  3. I fucking hate regenerating health in an FPS. There were a great many things about it which sucked, but nothing did more to ruin the new Goldeneye Wii than that retarded regenerating health mechanic.
  4. If I can start writing off trips to the States as business expenses so long as they involve visiting a brewery, I'll be there.
  5. [cosplay]pics[/cosplay] If Marie Claude Bourbonnais were in the Fantastic Four movies instead of Jessica Alba, I'd wager that the mean level of acting ability in the cast would actually go up.
  6. Duggeh


    American remakes of good UK television programmes are usually a pile of fail. So much so that the latest comedy series over here satirises the entire process. William H Macy is good though.
  7. All the root ginger in the supermarket. For to make ginger beer with.
  8. I knew you had to be taking the piss. But it still had to be said.
  9. Proper Scottish cuisine would have fuck all to do with deep fried, battered confectionary. Scotland has some of the best food in the world imo. Haggis being the ambassador. Same way that Italian cuisine would have fuck all do to with anything calling itself "pizza" but which has tikka chicken, sweetcorn and pineapple on top of it and a doughy tasteless base as thick as 4 slices of Hovis.
  10. Well played Biggie dear boy. More than well deserved I am certain. I look forward to sampling said cake at some point! Maybe you could use your boost to start exports eh? If I might be so bold as to ask, what was it that placed a far and distant second place to your masterpiece?
  11. Jeff Waynes album is the ultimate WOTW for me
  12. Together monitor for both in reply in for headphones from OP to be? Sound forward sound in reply? Not for take wanted to be any more like again for again. Or has to any more like Stax ever been to JH13.
  13. Behringer has headphones really been far even as monitors to use even go want to do look more like?
  14. Hippitty Burpdai!
  15. ^ That'd make a good avatar.
  16. He is now.
  17. Its the 2000 volt-amps into a capacitive load which peaked my interest.
  18. An odd question perhaps, Could one use an amp like the Sanders ESL Sanders Sound Systems ESL Amplifier To directly drive a Stax headphone without using a transformer? A bias supply would have to be added in somewhere in the box which changes from speaker to 5-pin connector obviously.
  19. Not keen on the name either personally. Also, squirrel pic:
  20. Black Isle Brewery Blonde. Also just had to get my brother to extract an ER-4 tri-flange from my ear with a pair of forceps. Fun.
  21. Black Isle Brewery Blonde. Also just had to get my brother to extract an ER-4 tri-flange from my ear with a pair of forceps. Fun.
  22. Put away all the house christmas decorations and the tree. Cleared out the store and the attic, reorganised all of the shelves drawers and the like. Moved my brew stuff back inside. Couldn't find my tub of VWP.
  23. Sorry that you're not feeling well Drinking a small negroni. Eating some super ripe cheese.
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