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Everything posted by Duggeh

  1. Duggeh

    slow forum

    That'll learn you to only eat onions from now on.
  2. Time to repost the vampire.
  3. Duggeh

    slow forum

    ^ Took me about 90 seconds of staring to get that.
  4. Yeah I've reinherited my Shuttle SN45G which I had as a second PC a few years back. I figure that with a few quid spent plus some spare pieces from other boxes it can do better than the Duron 1200/256/Nvidia Vanta that have been in it during the time my sister has used it. My main PC is in a Thermaltake Xaser 3 case so itll be nice to have a transportable PC again. I've got parts enough to cobble together 3 or 4 Socket A systems but I'd rather just have one half decent one.
  5. Athlon XP2500+ Mobile.
  6. I like the foam. I demand a foam option! Still, a set of lambda pads will only be needed if I ever get around to building a new housing for the AMT drivers.
  7. Its not as though I'll be buying a Mk.2 anyway. Although I'll go for a new set of Mk.1 pads within the year. I have no comfort issues with them and I'll bet the Mk.2 pads are more expensive.
  8. Could the differences, post blu-tac, be down to the different pads then?
  9. I cant see the words Knights Templar without thinking of Deus Ex.
  10. And is it just me or can I not actually type anything in the new chatroom thing?
  11. It will take a little to get used to missing the right hand new posts bar. But its looking pretty slick I have to say. Not unlike Head-Fi pre spamverts.
  12. Filled up the car. about
  13. I had my first shift as a barman today (you would think that by 23 I'd have had this job already). Thursday morning being the quietest shift of the week deemed as perfect for familiarising me with the computer tills and how to change a keg and stuff. Gods it was dull though. I poured about 20 drinks in 7 hours. On again tomo night and looking forward to it. My dissertation research fieldwork is in this pub so I get the privilege of writing up notes on everything I've done and observed at the end of each day too.
  14. I used an electric bread knife.
  15. Duggeh

    slow forum

    I'm dubious. I'd believe it more readily if you could see the actual fingering.
  16. It wont. White western leaders are never tried for warcrimes. Closest there's been was Milosovic, discounting Nuremberg.
  17. Congratulations to you sir!
  18. If today did not happen there cannot be a tomorrow, thus, no today as yesterday as much as today as today, ergo, the only day is yesterday until today happens, however, yesterday cannot be as yesterday until today, except, today did not happen, sum conclusion, as Adams said "Time is an illusion, lunchtime doubly so.", solution of the imbalance, we all go down the pub and drink as if there's no tomorrow.
  19. Tank Capacity?
  20. The remaining question is: Does the Mk1 with the Mk2 pads on sound appreciably different than with the Mk1 pads?
  21. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=So5eEjwjLLM]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=So5eEjwjLLM Blue Man Group on the pipes. An old youtube favourite.
  22. First day back at work. Then wrote a little. Then watched Gordon Ramsey on the tellybox.
  23. Replace the binding posts on the amp with ones that aren't rubbish?
  24. No, Groundhog day was that today never happened.
  25. Of the two I'd pick the beatles, but theres a hundred other bands I'd pick first.
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