Yes, I was, however some thought on practicality made me reconsider, I need a PC, I use one for all practical purposes, all day every day, day in day out all year and my current (old) one is dead and I've been using a heap of shite old(er) machine for about 10 weeks now. Its utterly stagnant speed and lag even just with Word, Firefox and itunes open was increasingly starting to grate me, I've spent a while now looking at what my options are to replace it and decided to get a really good machine instead of a new budget one. I want something futureproof. At least as futureproof as PCs ever reasonably get.
I've got some stuff up for sale, and will have more come the start of the new semester and I've still got a lot of season earnings and tips to come in yet so it's still possible that I'll dive on the Quad before winter, or something of a similar budget, but I really do enjoy how my hi-fi sounds despite its source weakness and the PC was simply the more important spending choice. The idea of having to use this crappy PC through my final year at uni is to say the least, unappealing.