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Everything posted by Duggeh

  1. I already have a patent on carrying electricity using plastic carrier bags. Getting the material to behave like a Layden Jar was difficult, however using lightning bolts and wet rope with a key hanging off it, I was able to find a means to achieve holding without the bag sticking to the nearest wall or wool jersey.
  2. Just so that there's clarity on this, I'm very fat and very ugly.
  3. I think this is going to be very popular. Look out for "better sound at half the price of" claims from Beresford.
  4. This is the first build in i think 8 PCs that i havent used an Abit board. Only because they dont have a p45 chipset product out.
  5. I need a computer, although I did go pretty top end when I got this new one, I could have spent a lot less money than
  6. No the aforementioned 11L from last week, they were delivered to my flat in St Andrews like the day after I paid and none of my housemates thought fit to tell me until last night. I was wondering why I hadn't got them yet. I'm still having PITA problems with this new PC I bought last month. I'm giving thought to sending the whole thing back for refund. That'd free up enough money for a set of 'stats for sure.
  7. Woke up with a filthy hangover. Drank some soda water, went back to bed. Got up again 20 minutes ago. Still hungover. No soda water left. At least my hands aren't shaking now. Going to go pick up my new Quads later.
  8. Duggeh


    Burnination typically never fails as a tactic. Except in TibSun.
  9. Duggeh

    slow forum

    Thats the best gif I've seen in this thread in a while. It had me 0
  10. Duggeh

    Deus Ex

    Not sure if I've mentioned that I love Deus Ex (1) more than my own dear mother.
  11. Will there be other objects at the venue? Say, anything remotely long and rigid or heavy and blunt? I hate pointless BS health and safety. When my grandfather was 81 he had a pair of nail clippers taken from his luggage when he boarded a flight. As if he couldn't have done more damage to someone by stabbing them in the neck with his pen instead of clipping out their jugular.
  12. I used to have a lovely pair of Rockport deck shoes. Pics of you in the costume plz.
  13. Then defy your nature and open up something budget. A lower end Pro-Ject, it'd give you the excuse to stockpile on LPs while the TOTL turntable is waiting to be chosen.
  14. Indeedizzle.
  15. If your yoghurt doesn't have an H in it then I'd say it isn't safe to eat.
  16. Not nearly tall enough.
  17. I cant fit the 63 on my desk I was gonna go for a set of L-ites, but those 11Ls popped onto ebay between late last night and just now and cost me only
  18. One can never have too much Quad. Besides, the price was sweet.
  19. Go for them Hirsch, you'll have no trouble selling them on if you don't like them and for all their flaws they are a really nice sounding set of headphones. Even some minimal modding would improve them (think one packet of blu-tac and a little time). I'm assuming that its the PS2 version of the headphones that you've got the chance to go for, the PS2 is the most commonly seen electrostatic headphone from Jecklin and the PS2 with the push button is the more common, although slightly inferior transformer unit. For two working PS2 headphones plus a PS2 transformer you're looking at a wide range of price possibillities,
  20. I like ketchup.
  21. A large chunk of goats cheese. Then bed. Goats cheese promotes delicous dreams dontyerknow?
  22. Yes, I was, however some thought on practicality made me reconsider, I need a PC, I use one for all practical purposes, all day every day, day in day out all year and my current (old) one is dead and I've been using a heap of shite old(er) machine for about 10 weeks now. Its utterly stagnant speed and lag even just with Word, Firefox and itunes open was increasingly starting to grate me, I've spent a while now looking at what my options are to replace it and decided to get a really good machine instead of a new budget one. I want something futureproof. At least as futureproof as PCs ever reasonably get. I've got some stuff up for sale, and will have more come the start of the new semester and I've still got a lot of season earnings and tips to come in yet so it's still possible that I'll dive on the Quad before winter, or something of a similar budget, but I really do enjoy how my hi-fi sounds despite its source weakness and the PC was simply the more important spending choice. The idea of having to use this crappy PC through my final year at uni is to say the least, unappealing.
  23. Close to
  24. New PC. Went with the Velociraptor over the SSD.
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