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Everything posted by butte

  1. I was looking at Schiit Bifrost initially as per proposed, but dealer in my country keep on playing with the price, saying that the currency exchange between USD and my country is getting worst, so he can't really give any actual price before everything settle down, how stupid. That is when I started looking for other option and decided on Mytek based on reviews even when I can't try it before purchasing, but it seems my gamble paid off.
  2. Hi Torpedo, Maybe my ears are not as well trained as most of you here, but I'm enjoying the Mytek very much now, maybe my preference is towards a brighter sound. Also maybe my Marantz amplifier taming down the brightness a bit, but that is totally my assumption.
  3. Just to report back that I've bought a dac to complement my LS50, and it is Mytek DAC 192, and so far I'm loving it very much. Thanks for the advice on not to look at AudioGD product everybody.
  4. One day I'll surely buy this when I can afford it.. Very beautiful!
  5. Hi RudeWolf, I'm pretty much decided not to spend money on AudioGd products after reading Sherwood and your comment/experience with it. Currently looking at Bifrost as been suggested, and also trying to audition PS Audio NuWave DAC from a dealer in my country. Thanks for the reply and advice.
  6. Hi Sherwood, Thanks for the reply. I'll head to the DAC section and read the reviews and comments there then, and I'll just remove AudioGd from my list.
  7. Okay thanks grawk, but sorry if I'm using the wrong "offerings" word; English is not my first language. Even when replying to this thread it took me quite some times to construct the sentences. And yes, I've read the Head-Case welcome message, so that you know I'm not in any way trying to act cool and further make a fool of myself. Thanks.
  8. Thanks RudeWolf, Will look into the Stello and ES9018 recommendation. I haven't tried it before but do you have any idea on AudioGD offerings? There are plenty of models using ES9018 there. Thanks blessingx.
  9. Hi blessingx, May I know with what equipment do you plan to pair the KEF LS50? CDP, turntable or PC? I'm asking because I have the LS50 and will use it with my laptop as source, so currently looking for DAC to replace my current DAC (Firestone Audio Spitfire). Thanks and sorry for bumping the thread.
  10. yeah, definitely culture clash.. while i'll keep the story on why i've been nicknamed "butt" or "butte", i'll tell you about a word in Japanese that means something else but in my place it's totally different thing. "kou tei" in Japanese if i'm not mistaken means "rigid" or "set", but in my place it does refer to "DICK"..how's that? wicked!!
  11. that explain why i seems can't log in to the forum.. been trying hard to log since this evening and got the error message, and end up just browsing it as non-member, then i saw your last post. butte should be okay with me, thanks anyway..
  12. haha, do you think i need to change my name? kinda creepy to see the name "butt" paired up with "cancer"..
  13. opps, thought that when you say why "butt?" , then i just give the reason why i'm using it.. my bad..
  14. haha, i did replied to the very same question asked by atothex in the "Show Me Your ThunderPantses!" thread, it's something to do with my nickname during university time and the way how they pronounce it in my place, so I did carry on using it.. hope you don't mind..
  15. maybe i'm not qualified to say this as me myself also very new to this head-case, but i totally don't understand what is the biggest problem for other newly joined member to read the welcome PM and actually understand it. as how much it hurts and annoyed me to saw this type of "what is the best headphone under $50" or "what would you recommend for a newbie" thread started, i can only imagine how most of you feel.
  16. x2..lol
  17. haha..will try to use it in the future.. it's something to do with my nickname during university time and the way how they pronounce it in my place, so I did carry on using it.. hope you don't mind atothex..
  18. woohoo...that was close..lucky that i haven't bought anything yet, and even more lucky that i haven't apply anything yet on the W1000. guess that dust it is the way to go now.. thanks a million brother..
  19. Actually i wanna use it for my W1000 as i don't have this ThunderPants just yet. Read somewhere that they use the violin solution, but i can't find any near my place, so thought it's worth to ask all the TP's owner.. Thanks anyway.
  20. ok buddy, thank you very much. i'll settle with either of the option listed..
  21. Nice... Will take note of that, any other suggestion?
  22. hi everybody, sorry to BUMP a three-months-old thread, but although i don't own this TP masterpiece, may i know what type of wood solution or cream all of you use to take care of the wood? thank you.
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