I'll try the Kenrad again as the input with two of the Muntz tubes as output. I recall these Muntz tubes as being detailed and airy but almost too bright when used with an EH input tube.
I haven't tried any combinations without EH tubes, so I'll see what I think.
I'll look into something else, but I'm reluctant to spend too much on tubes.
Given my budget and recent upgrades in my system, I won't be able to upgrade anything until January at earliest. I've heard that EH tubes aren't great, but when new they're quite nice; they just supposedly age/break down very quickly. With some luck, January won't be too far away for an upgrade.
I'm only running on some EH Gold 6SN7s for output, but I found the KenRad VT-231 a bit too warm and slow for my tastes when paired as such.
I'm using a Muntz TV 6SN7GTA as the input tube. I'm wondering if these tubes might have been relabeled or something because I can't find any information on them online.
postjack: Thanks. Good to be here.
Fitz: Interesting you did not like the velour pads. How did the sound signature change?
Although old and not necessarily the nicest looking, the K340s I sense have real potential in the way they deal with midrange and the overall balance and tone. Takes a little bit of getting used to coming from an open headphone.