Hello to All,
this is my first post here.
I was looking for such a thread for a long time.
I can read about/look at very interesting, inspiring things here.
There is very little on the web about SE Amp driving a electrostatic headphone and I don't know why, since I believe that if you split the signal at the beginning of an amp, the following stages will change the symmetry of the signal.
I recently got myself a Stax Lambda Nova Classic/SRD7mk2 and feeding this through my "EL84 direct coupled to 2A3" Amp (http://www.tubemaster.de/e-diy-EL842A3.html) and a modified Revox B226 CD player with tube out, so there is only one capacitor (V-Cap CuTF) in the direct signal path from the DAC to the Speaker.
It is very exciting to listen to and the sound is very good and it is plenty loud - more than enough for me.
So at the moment the signal from the 2A3 is being transformed down by the OPT and then up again by the SRD7mk2.
My question to all the experts here is:
Would I gain sound quality by modifying my amp with a (interstage ?) transformer (1:2 ?) to connect the primary to the 2A3 and the secondary to the elctrostatic headphones?
I guess I would.
I am hopeless with transformer coupling and their specs, but willing to learn.
Could I use a Lundahl 1677? Maybe a amorphous core 1677?
Or should I get a custom transformer from Electra Print and what would be the specs to ask for? Bandwidth should be 25Hz-20kHz.
How will my 2A3 see a 3k load when on the secondary there is "only" the Stax phones?
This is what I don't understand.
Hoping for some help and hints.