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Everything posted by jmmccann

  1. Not sure who Brad is, but whatever makes you happy dude.
  2. Sorry, My bad....I was referring to Shure E530's. jp11801, You should have caught that.
  3. Thanks jvlgato. Sorry, to be clear, I don't WANT a pair of cheap knockoffs. I merely want to avoid purchasing them. In response to your post jvlgato, they are highly regarded (as far as in-ears go) for Jazz. I've read a few posts that suggest they are better sounding than the Bose e530's. But I have no basis for evidence....just a few people talking. J.
  4. Sorry, You're absolutely right. I didn't get to read the welcome PM before posting...I'm not accustomed to sites having a mandate to be obnoxious. But now that I know it's expected, I will press on. So. As I said before, I'm looking for a pair of in-ears that I can wear when I'm not at home. Since I don't enjoy bringing my ATH-70's with the brick sized transformer to starbucks to sit down and read for a bit. That reminds me, I'm also looking for a new transformer for the ATH-70's. If anyone knows where I can get one, that'd be amazing...But that's for another post. I've settled on the Monster Miles Davis earphones, heard great things about them, despite how I feel about Monster Cable...etc. I think they may have a good product here. I just want to make sure before purchasing them used, that they are legit. Thanks in advance, J.
  5. I own a pair of decent headphones actually. I have a pair of Electro-Static Audio Technica ATH-70's. Love them. Just want something portable that is decent. Geez, Are these forums good for anything? Can anyone just give me a straight answer?
  6. It's pretty simple actually. I'm interested in buying a pair, don't want to cough up the retail price for a new pair, and found someone online selling them, and just wondered if this was a product that gets knocked off a lot. Don't let it ruin your night!
  7. Just curious. Please no flaming...I'm new. I was wondering if anyone had seen or heard of fake/knockoff Monster Miles Davis Tribute earphones. I did a search and there doesn't appear to be a lot of talk or forum posts about it. Anyone else know? Thanks, J.
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