Yes w/o Jon Anderson, at the Beau Rivage Casino in Biloxi, MS.
Fun show, some good playing, excellent setlist. 1,500 person theatre, not a bad seat in the house, very good sound for a rock show, and some great lights as well. The band was tight, and their stand in for Jon sounds exactly like him, its uncanny. Of course some of the playing lacked passion, definitely some "going through the motions" happening. When Steve Howe said something like "thank you Biloxi", I could almost picture him stealing a glance at the back of his guitar like Spinal Tap on that Simpsons episode.
Having said that, when this type of music is played well and all the technical complex parts are hit right, its impossible for it not to be exciting. I was most suprised by how enthusiastic the crowd was. I honestly thought all those wasted well dressed middle-aged people were there to hear "Owner of a Lonely Heart", but the crowd was going ape shit during the mammoth prog numbers. And then for the lonely heart encore, everyone just sat down, until the inevitable "Roundabout" brought everyone to their feet.
Afterwards the GF and I hit up the Buffet, which was pretty bad except for the desserts. Some kind of cookie cake wrapped around cheesecake, it was fucking awesome.