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High Rollers
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Everything posted by postjack

  1. lawn.
  2. congrats man!
  3. relegated. devious. j.r.r. tolkien
  4. your first real answers: beta22, or maybe a kickass m^3? another fake answer: speakers.
  5. pretty much, only at least I'm likable. I can mod your HP1000 for $600. you'll think I'm a dick afterwards buy at least going into the transaction you'll feel alright.
  6. grados are actually very open headphones, though I have had superb results putting duct tape and proprietary cotton balls over the openings to make them the greatest closed headphone of all history.
  7. I mute my 3GS with my face pretty regularly. same thing happened on my 1st gen.
  8. you'll love it man. I haven't read a traditional non-textbook book since I got my kindle last December. the only bummer is when I want to read a book I can't get on the kindle. I just don't read the book.
  10. postjack

    Audeze LCD-2

    not cool. head-fi is my uncle. he is a good father to my cousinz.
  11. yeah!! happy birthday man!
  12. postjack

    Audeze LCD-2

    not cool, kwkarth is my brother-in-law. he's a good father to my nieces.
  13. if you don't buy your groceries at walmart the terrorists win.
  14. only the finest whole rhubarbs go into my jam, plucked from the verdant orchards of eastern turkey, lovingly mashed by the hands of the owner's two dozen beautiful virginal daughters! no strawberries though. i had some last week when they were on sale at wal-mart but i ate them.
  15. my most exudent apologies sirrah! beyond a search function repair what else could I do to increase your headcase pleasure? I have these vanilla cakes I have prepared! and women! I can get you women! and ether!
  16. nice read, thanks for sharing! i liked the head-case nod as well. we are hardcore!
  17. yes I bought the touch as well with the 30% coupon. loving it so far. I also bought a headphone extension cable from popular head-fi moderator n_mayor so I can chill on the couch with my HF-2s.
  18. naaman built Beta 22
  19. I got no distortion/heat at max volume, at least not to my ears. I love this device. I use the touchscreen more then the remote. the interface isn't perfect but it's very good. I love streaming my hi Rez files. 24 bit phish sbds ftw!
  20. I've used several different FM transmitters over several years, and they all suck.
  21. postjack


    Yeah the touch as a USB port you can just plug a hard drive into. Got my order confirmation! I really think the Touch will be the easiest way to play hi-rez files.
  22. postjack


    ah good man, thanks. i'll keep my eyes peeled.
  23. postjack


    i tried to order. got all the way through the process then stuck on the "we are processing your order, you will be notified of the result shortly". it just sat there after that. weird.
  24. i can say this happens to me all the time on my 3GS, and happened with my iPhone first gen as well. what phone ya goin' with nate?
  25. postjack


    Grateful Dead - 7/9/95 So Many Roads - Soldier Field on Vimeo 15 years ago today the grateful dead played their last show. i know its not for everybody, and the '95 tour had a lot of bad moments, but the above is a beautiful video of a wonderful song.
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