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Everything posted by postjack

  1. My friend-who-knows-a-lot-about-TVs told me not to worry about calibration. He asked me if I was really interested in accuracy, or if I wanted the colors to "pop" off the screen and be cool and fun. In other words, am I a videophile, or do I just want to enjoy my TV. In his opinion, if you really want to go down that videophile rabbit hole and get calibration, thats fine, but the end result will be a more "neutral" color presentation which yes will be more accurate, but maybe not as fun. yes, the parallels to audiophilia are not lost on me. I'll just save my money and stick with the Cinema factory setting.
  2. You need not worry. Postjack International will be available to hear your inlaws' concerns, and if necessary find a suitable method to meet their needs.
  3. my research also told me the problem was worse with samsung. bottom line is some sets are noisier then others. no noise with my panny. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. my 970 is silver.
  5. looks good to me.
  6. to be fair it's also very universal. bluray, sacd, DVD-a, hdcd, and hirez flac (even multichannel flac). and less then a grand, from a company known for quality on the cheap. true digital input not withstanding, it's the source I've always wanted.
  7. OPPO BDP-95 Blu-ray Disc Player
  8. just bought tickets to see the Funky Meters at Tipitinas, NOLA, Jan 14th. Pretty excited, next year is their 30th anniversary.
  9. dude, I'm usually not much for forum flame wars, but the clusterfuck rega pileon that every thread KT88 posts in becomes are highly enjoyable. people HATE that guy.
  10. he bought my 22Ls.
  11. ~$600 methinks?
  12. That DTB "Already Free" is a fantastic recording. Sounds great on vinyl too.
  13. personally IEMs would be my preference for travel. In fact they were until I left my Etys on a plane. I have yet to buy more IEMs, but who knows. Those ATs are at $108 now on amazon, I'm thinking about pulling the trigger and surprising the girlfriend. I'll have to lie though, she can't imagine paying more then $50 for a headphone.
  14. Beatles - Please Please Me (2009 Mono)
  15. awesome, sounds like exactly what I am looking for. Of course I wanted to buy the AT's anyway, because well, they are ATs. They are $120 at amazon right now which seems reasonable. Thanks for your review, I really appreciate it.
  16. thanks all for the comments! i am sure i can glean exactly the info i need from here. thanks especially for the link to tyll's review, i'll read that stat.
  17. Don't ban me, please! My girlfriend has a portable DVD player that is pretty much useless when we are traveling on the interstate, because the volume doesn't get loud enough to overcome the road noise. We haven't used it on a plane yet but I imagine the situation would be similar. I have zero experience with noise canceling phones, but I'm thinking they may be what we need in this situation. I already suggested IEMs, but she doesn't want to have to jam something in her ear. Budget like $100-200, cheaper the better. She wants circumnaural phones. Comfort is a top priority, and movies are the primary medium, but I'd still like something that is at least respectable sonically. I have a reputation to uphold. Anyone have any experience?
  18. Black Keys - Brothers fuck yeah
  19. Beatles - White Album (2009 Mono)
  20. I loved "The City and the City". real different then his usual stuff, more noir. not everyone was a fan. in terms of his New Crobozun stuff, The Scar is the best. more adventure then PSS and IC. I consider a lot of his stuff to be very beautiful and highly creative, but not much in the plot department. maybe that's not totally fair. I guess I mean it's not very engaging reading. maybe because I like characters and his stuff isn't very character driven.
  21. I'm no Rega expert (I've never listened to any Rega gear), but have you considered maybe buying a used Rega Planar 3 on audiogon? They run $400-500. Its an older model, but you still get the RB300 tonearm.
  22. x2! the other mods have some serious catching up to do.
  23. upcoming shows (in defiance of thread title [maybe we should rename this "The Live Music Thread"]): Prince 12/29 Phish 12/30 Phish 12/31 Phish 1/1 All at MSG! I am so ready for this trip.
  24. happy belated bday gener!
  25. your face oooooooooolololo1 daaaammn today it's work then school. so ready for semester break.
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