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Everything posted by postjack

  1. I want a bigger screen then my iPhone. Its the primary reason I am researching Android phones.
  2. right on, thanks for double checking. glad its not just me. I'm surprised how much it bothers me to be honest. Usually I'm more forgiving of the flaws in old recordings.
  3. OK, could AB or anyone else who has heard this confirm a bit of distortion in the brass in the left channel? I heard it on my Quads and thought it might be a panel going out, but I can hear it now in my HF-2 as well. Its kind of light, sounds like an artifact or something when the higher notes are hit? or maybe thats just how its supposed to sound?
  4. happy birthday! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. and as many bybees as I can cram into those bitches.
  6. unless you want to convince me that the bamboo veneer offers superior acoustic characteristics? night and day IMO. throw in a shunyata power cord and you have a real decent system going.
  7. I didn't realize they came in different finishes, that bamboo is quite attractive. But I'll probably just go with standard black for the cheapness ($125 difference on amazon).
  8. used A5s it is, thanks team. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. less rather then more. definitely nothing bigger then a 12L!
  10. So I find myself listening to a lot of tunes while browsing the internets, either through streaming radio (archive.org, grooveshark, etc) or foobar, all through my $11 logitech speakers, since I don't always feel like strapping on headphones. I'd like to upgrade my speakers, but not to anything too fancy. I'm looking at a few options: Audioengine 2's - just run straight from whatever DAC I am using, either using their own volume pot or using the DACs volume if I end up buying an XDA-1. Paradigm Atom - powered by my Beta22 once it gets all ship shape and up and running. My concern here is if the Beta has the juice to push the Atoms, which specify a minimum of 15 watts. Other non-powered inexpensive speaker - Mayhaps some highly efficient monitor I don't know about that can be had for the aforementioned ~$200 budget. These will most likely just sit haphazardly on my desk somewhere, though I'm not ruling out getting stands and placing them to the sides of my desk at some point. thoughts?
  11. I feel confident the Neko DAC will beat the shit out of the Emotiva, because Neko DAC rules!
  12. I think the Mac App Store is a really great idea. Taking the same ease of use in snagging apps from your iPhone, and porting that to regular computer software with all the slickness and ease that comes with Apple? Hell yeah. Easy instant gratification. More on topic, I've been waiting for Apple to jump the old shark for a while now. How is it that a company can continually be at the top of their market in innovation, have such outstanding advertising, hype, and publicity, offer best in class customer service? How long can they really hold this up? I was kind of thinking this time last year that the iPad might be that moment, that new product that is just ridiculous enough to put a dent in the Apple brand. Turns out iPads are the shit and I am wrong. And as it stands, based on numerous reviews, I just don't think there is a Droid phone out there that gives me everything my iPhone gives me, at least in terms of my phone priorities.
  13. I'd still say its worth it, but I've never had the Cambridge Audio DACMagic and would really like to compare it to that first, since I think that puts it right in the DACMagic's price range. I'm really looking forward to other's impressions. Not everybody on the internet likes this DAC, so maybe some other HC'er will dislike it. Still sounds good to me, I listened to tunes just about all day today and never got fatigued.
  14. yeah, it's already increased from $299 to $349. I guess the final price will be $399. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. Please take this for what its worth, being audio memory recall, but I recall the Buffalo DAC (auditioned over a year ago) being more aggressive (in a good way) then the XDA-1, with punchy midbass I just loved. No problems with upper frequency extension that I can remember from the Buffalo. It had a nice clean sound.
  16. I'm really enjoying the XDA-1. To me everything sounds right, instruments all sound lifelike and in their correct place. Tight bass, and the midrange even seems to have a little bit of "pop", bloom, whatever you want to call it, it comes out a bit, which I like. Maybe not the most perfect high frequencies in the world, but they aren't fatiguing, which I'll take. So having said all that maybe it does have a touch of that bassy-with-rolled-off-highs sound that a lot of cheap DACs have, albeit only a tiny bit of that sound (a far cry from say, the outright muddiness of an Oppo 970) but I think the surprisingly natural midrange sets this source above the competition. I'm picturing a desktop system with this DAC, a cheap pair of powered speakers (audioengine?) and a headphone amp and headphone of one's choice would be very nice. Listening right now through foobar wasapi > USB > MiniMax > PS1000. Its a very enjoyable setup. EDIT: it should be noted that users are reporting issues with the volume control. apparently its not a smooth 0.5db increase for each tic, somewhere at the bottom of the volume it starts jumping greatly, then it smooths out. I haven't really used the volume control so I can't speak to this issue.
  17. at least they didn't name it DAC1. fuckers. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. congrats! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. happy late birthday Steve! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. happy late birthday killa. I raged Phish at the garden to celebrate. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  22. I wish I had more source reviewing skillz, because I'd really like to present Wes with a long, well-written review for being given the opportunity to audition his wonderful DAC. But I don't have such uber skills. I will say, in addition to the above, that the Neko DAC is the finest digital to audio converter I've had in my home. In my opinion, to my ears, YMMV, etc, there was something startlingly different about the Neko DAC. So much ease in the presentation, such a rich, full sound. I hesitate to even say warm, because I feel like that gives the impression that the details are glossed over, but they weren't. The full frequency spectrum is represented so vividly, and instruments occupied their space so well, and popped out at me right when they were supposed to. Did I say vivid? Because its the word I keep coming back to. Vivid, detailed, and with all the notes occupying their space with ease. I really really like what Wes has done here!
  23. I'm enjoying this thread very much. Personally I'm moving backwards to a more CD-centric listening environment. Not really entirely sure why, I'm just enjoying spinning little obsolete discs right now.
  24. a suitable method to meet their needs.
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