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High Rollers
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Everything posted by postjack

  1. I remember reading about this over at HF, IIRC it is at least a few grand. I'm still pretty tickled with my $200 Velodyne Front Row 5 piece speaker system and $200 Bic subwoofer, so thats how I'll be watching movies for a while.
  2. Not sure what the famous nail polish trick is.
  3. postjack

    slow forum

  4. postjack

    slow forum

    is the slow slow slow forum is the slooooooooooooooooooow forum bo jumped over the charcoal & number blue bird
  5. On the topic, my SL1200 is en route and, according to UPS, will show up Thursday. Dude was a week late shipping it, but I won't sweat it so long as everything works when it shows up.
  6. You know, usually I go for the chick that is not supposed to be as good looking in any set of females. You know what I mean, like there were these popular twins in my high school, and both were super hot, and everyone always went for the blonde, but I was always a sucker for the brunette. Like I tend towards the cuter hot girl instead of the supermodel hot girl. But in the case of BG, I'd take 6 over Athena/Boomer anyway. ***SPOILER ALERT DUSTY CHALK, BEWARE!!*** Really great episode last night BTW. I'm glad to see some more focus on Tigh, he has always been one of my favorite characters. He's such an all around fuck up, the perfect compliment to the old man. What the hell is the deal with the radio signals? Is he going nuts? Not to mention the trial, which is so interesting it has left me questioning the true guilt or innocence of Baltar. Then again, I think he is the best actor on the show, and I really don't want to see him pushed out an airlock for that reason alone, so that may be affecting my judgment a bit. ***SPOILER ALERT DUSTY CHALK, BEWARE!*** BTW KG, I only read the first couple of spoilers in your list, and they were indeed true of the episode last night. So I don't know if the rest of the spoilers are true as well, but if they are, thats pretty much a dick move on your part.
  7. You could run those three in series.
  8. Cool, happy listening. I was told a week ago my TT would ship this past Tuesday, but I have received no shipping confirmation and my credit card has not been charged. Come to think its time to send an email.
  9. I ordered the Boltz CD-600 a couple of weeks ago. A part was back ordered, so it didn't ship until this week, but when it finally did ship, it was only in transit for two days. Assembly was a breeze, just lots of repetition, but I always feel great after I put something like this together. I also have a box with an adjustable incline writing desk sitting in another room ready to be assembled. I'm puttin' shit together, cos I'm on vacation this week, y'all. Respect. Sorry, no step by step building shots. Just know that there is a lot of screwing hex nuts and acorn nuts on long skinny poles. Assembled: Alphabetizing albums: All done: I got the anthracite metallic finish. Much better pictures of the different finishes can be found at www.boltz.com. As for value: when I first started looking for some kind of simple CD shelf, I was surprised at the insanely high prices a lot of places charge. So when I found this rack, with a 600 CD capacity, as well as the ability to expand if more space is needed, for just north of $200, I decided to go with Boltz. Right now I am pleased with my purchase. The rack is sturdy, substantial, and doesn't sway or rock. The slider "bookends" are great. The surface of the rack is smooth and pleasing to the touch. CD cases slide on nicely and stay where they are put (unless they get loose and rock to the side, then they go a-tumbling to the ground. Thus its best to use the sliders to keep them upright). The CDs are on a gentle enough angle to make looking for and picking out an album easy. The best part is CDs aren't covering my desk and floor anymore.
  10. The RS-1s are on the brighter end of the can spectrum, but not hurtfully bright like the 325i (to be fair, when I owned the 325i I had a solid state amp). Harsh, definitely not. Smooth as melted butter on a pecan pie at Waffle House, and as sweet, too. The soundstage on the SR225 and 325i was very small. One of the first things I noticed when I heard the RS-1s was like you said, the depth. The soundstage expanded greatly on the horizontal axis, though in some recordings I get the "fly buzzin' round my head" circular type of soundstage. I didn't like flats on the SR225 or 325i. I enjoy swapping between flats and bowls on the RS-1, and I've found myself rolling different tubes in depending on whether it will be a "flats" listening session (brighter, more neutral tubes) or a "bowls" listening session (bassier, warmer tubes). The RS-1s biggest shortcoming, in my opinion, is they don't like "busy" songs. Anything with lots of different tracks/instruments going crazy all over the place can confuse the RS-1, and the sound becomes a bit too dense, but still listenable and sometimes enjoyable. Having said that, the bowls help with slightly busier tracks, while the flats can be heaven for intimate, personal performances, like jazz for example. But hell, since I've bought them they quickly became my main can. I've only picked up the Senns for a few classical listening sessions, and actually the RS-1s shortcomings made me appreciate the HD650 even more. I think they are great complimentary cans. But for the RS-1s: jazz, rock, post-punk, dance, electronica, synthpop, industrial, futurepop... yep, sounds great with plenty of my tunes. Sorry, I don't know anything about Woo amps so I can't help you there.
  11. Hey Tony- I'm a relatively new convert to tubes. I went from a Corda HA-2 MKII SE to a Singlepower PPX3 Slam, and I was shocked. Despite all I had read, I wasn't expecting tubes to be capable of slam, impact, and speed, but the PPX3 has it in spades. Tubes enabled me to enjoy listening to music at low volume, though I still enjoy cranking it up on tunes I'm really into. And of course there is tube rolling, which is an experience in and of itself. Its so cool to be able to throw in some tubes and alter the character of an amp's sound. Plus the glowing is pretty cool, and all your normal friends think you're weird. Then I'm like "fuck yall yall weird i dont need yall i got my d-getters, bitches". Then you can stay home all the time.
  12. Well I got me a cardboard box, thanks all for the suggestions. Now it just needs tube fillin'. Hirsch, got any RCA grey glass?
  13. So, did they not work out for you? re: your IC on HF
  14. fuck. damn earl.
  15. All my little boxes of little tubes are starting to drive me crazy. They are all over my desk, all around the house. I've read not to store them in drawers, because the constant opening/closing could shake things up, so I've been keeping them on the top shelf of a dark closet, but they must creep out at night and spread all over my desk. So what do you do with your unused tubes, and do you have any nice, tidy, tube storage solutions?
  16. No shit! :'( A few days later once I was more removed from it, I thought to myself "Well thats one way to wrap up a plot thread." Still, pretty messed up. I'm thinking the season finale here will be pretty kick ass.
  17. You know I actually thought that was metal?
  18. this is why I ask. I've already been told sovkiller is full of shit, but mulveling seems to know his stuff. He has posted initial impressions, and they were positive, but he is holding back on comments while he listens more and they burn in. also, the shots of the cans were sexy as hell, i'll repost them here for the benefit of the ban-ees: the leather does look very nice, but I'm thinking the cans are actually smaller then I'm picturing them in my head. but for $1500 they better be more then just an hd650 without the veil. fuck, i'll live with a veil if it saves me $1250.
  19. Anybody heard this yet?
  20. Hey, I never claimed he had any common sense. Just that he is a hell of a musician.
  21. You don't have to be a Fall fan to enjoy this article about what happened between their previous album (Fall Heads Roll) and their new album, Reformation Post-TLC. And like the article says, its nothing to Marc E. Smith, the only constant throughout the band's 25 albums, where Smith has seen over 50 musicians pass through the band's ranks. Taken from http://www.gloriousnoise.com/reviews/2007/the_fallreformation_post_tlc.php
  22. Fair enough. Congrats.
  23. I really enjoyed reading it, thanks! Do you mind if I ask how much it set you back and where you purchased it from? I've recently taken an interest in this amp since I've been enjoying the RS-1 so much.
  24. Don't get me wrong: your review of other reviews is a fine review, very solid. But the background simply isn't as black as other reviews I've read. Even when I put on the Mesh Theme the background isn't quite black enough.
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