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Everything posted by postjack

  1. uh-oh, i'd never looked at these before. are you kidding me? he's got neon on that bitch.
  2. postjack

    slow forum

    this is probably the most important thread on HC, at least in regards to the advancement of this hobby of ours. this is where the real hardcore headphone talk happens. hardcore like hardcore fukn in pr0n vidz. fukn internet rulez mann. but yeah, the search for better recordings is such a money hole, lol. its what made me get into vinyl recently. i might as well just withdraw all my savings and stuff it in the fireplace, analog bullshit... did I really think I could stop with the technics and bellari?
  3. postjack

    slow forum

    ha ha!
  4. Welcome to headcase Shurado!
  5. has anyone invited roam over here?
  6. postjack

    slow forum

    are you driving through vermont right now? how you get on the internet boy...
  7. thanks for the recommendations, i'll check them out. yes, I suppose melancholy is the word I'm looking for. Sometimes melancholy rock music can come across as a touch emo, but melancholy classical always seems sincere. the schumann alternates between melancholy and quirky. i'm looking for more pure melancholy.
  8. I've been listening to this Schumann Cello Concerto: and am looking for more like this, but maybe even sadder, with a greater sense of longing. It helps if there are lots of complex passages as well. Maybe just drop a few composers on me, and their specific pieces, and I'll hunt down the performances. obviously I'm a total classical amateur. so any help is appreciated.
  9. postjack

    slow forum

    bump, repriced for quick sale.
  10. postjack

    slow forum

  11. problem is these are the kind of cans you basically have to build your system around... its like you are married to the labtec house sound.
  12. postjack

    slow forum

    but before couch laying I'd like to eat some chicken, in either wrap or sandwich form.
  13. postjack

    slow forum

    i have a cold. it is one of those fake summer colds. nose is all snotty and stopped up, throat is all tickly, voice is gravelly. i want to go home and take some alkaselzter and just lay on the couch.
  14. finally hooked my PPX3 Slam back into my rig. I was pleased to find my 999es has two outputs that both work simultaneously, so I was able to do a quick A/B by turning both the Melos and Slam on, and frantically pulling and replugging in my cans. CD used was the current remaster of Peter Gabriel's third album. With the HP2: In short, the Slam had more, well, slam, while the Melos had an overall smoother presentation across the entire range. The Slam does not put enough emphasis on the mids and lower-highs for my taste, going instead for midbass impact. The Melos wins with the HP2. With the RS-1: I have NOT been impressed with the Melos + RS-1 combination, at least relative to the Slam, which I suppose better suits the RS-1s "rockin" sound signature. That midbass impact is crucial for the RS-1s, at least that is what I'm looking for when I pick them up. Amongst other things, what this tells me is there really is a drastic difference between the Joe Grado and John Grado sound, though both have their similarities, namely small soundstage and smooth midrange, which I guess is the Grado house sound. With Senns: The Melos leaves much to be desired with Senns. Actually it leaves everything to be desired. This is no surprise, the PPX3 wins hands down. So am I saying I think the Melos is a one can amp? Maybe. I'll give it a shot with my MS2i, if I ever get it . But if it is a one can amp, it does a fine job with the one can it amps for. Also still waiting on my Dynahi, looking forward to seeing if a solid state can compete with the tube and tube hybrid crew.
  15. 28 Days After Next
  16. You must missed the camo hats? having said that they are the sweetest fucking thing I've ever seen in life or the internet.
  17. I tried to think of something mean to say but I couldn't. Welcome to headcase!
  18. also interesting for the opiate receptors in trey's brain.
  19. nice! "for an urban boy on a dirty tour / i never felt so clean"
  20. Bingo. I've heard/owned all of Ween's albums up through Quebec, I still think its great stuff. Its just not as much fun since I'm not fucked up all the time now. Hearing "Poopship Destroyer" is still one of my favorite live music moments.
  21. i'm in the mood to move to the left 3 feet goddammit. i'm in the mood to slide to the right hundred feet goddammit. i'm in the mood to fall down the steps 4 flights goddammit. i'm in the mood to fly in the air 12 feet muthafuck. there was a time in my life when i thought ween was the greatest band to ever play music...
  22. my homie. mmj is amazing. i have the okonokos 4-LP box, its some of my favorite vinyl to spin.
  23. which one do you dislike? mmj or white stripes?
  24. anywho, i shouldn't be complaining, 'cause i've got bela fleck and the flecktones two weeks from this thursday, so i'll be able to share in the groove all night then. <-- jack at bela
  25. i have no problem with lack of character development, so long as their are plenty of scenes with badass infected fucking shit up.
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