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Everything posted by postjack

  1. Tao Te Ching by Lao Tsu.
  2. I'll trade you my ultra high bandwidth cable for a balanced amp. No face stabbing though.
  3. But I don't even know what kind of balanced amp I want yet!! Dynamight? Dynalo/GS-X? b22?? or some type of toob thing???
  4. I have a balanced source now, but I don't even have a balanced amp!!
  5. season two is so kick ass right now.
  6. How did I know you would show up and say something like this?
  7. This is just something I've been tinkering with in my head, not something I'm actually going to do at this point. But I decided to start this thread to see if the idea has any value, and also just to bounce it off all of your heads to look at it from every angle. Has anyone ever heard a reterminated balanced hp-1000 out of a true balanced rig? Even if not, any idea of the potential sonic benefits this could bring? Would it be worth messing with the JGUHBWLSJDYEWLCAQ cable? So far, the HP-2 is the only can I've heard that I like well enough to build a whole system around. Except maybe the HD650.
  8. postjack

    slow forum

    Sources: Barista Not Actually Flirting With you
  9. How dare you all threadjack MY new source thread!!
  10. Welcome to head-case!
  11. hey, I'm not anti-tube! in fact I've got a snipe setup on some amperex JAN 7308s as we speak.
  12. Funny you say that, because the amp also came with a pair of black knobs and a black power button, wrapped up separately in the corner of the box. Also included for reasons unknown were not one but two 1/8in to 1/4in headphone connectors.
  13. I just realized that, for the first time since January, I'm listening to music on my rig without a single tube anywhere in the signal path.
  14. A couple of poor pictures. I'll take some better ones this weekend when I have a good long morning of sunshine to open the blinds and snap photos: You can see the 999es, scoffing that it was moved a shelf down to make room for this new slim competitor. Right now I'm listening to FSL Rubber Soul -> foobar asio4all -> usb -> aqvox -> dynahi -> hp-2 and it sounds wonderful. I haven't done any A/Bing with the Modwright because I just feel like listening to music right now.
  15. deadwood beats the shit out of the sopranos.
  16. cocksucker!!
  17. congrats! I just started following the same diet my sister used, since we both have Johnson genes. Basically just protein for breakfast (protein drink) and lunch (grilled chicken salad), and then fruit and more protein for dinner with some vegetables. We'll see how it works.
  18. I'm not really making fun of the way he looks, but rather bringing into our little recollection game his response when we told him people would think he was a michael jackson type freak when they saw his isolation booth. I never insult anyone because of how they look. I will insult someone based on how they smell though. Stinky people drive me crazy.
  19. of course I've messed around with the manufaktur little java program and made dozens of pairs of custom beyers, but everytime I look at the price... man! I could buy three pair of used DT990s for one pair of kustom manufakturs with blue grills or somesuch. Or I could buy a DT770/80 Pro from larry and have him carve a tittie out of it.
  20. he doesn't even care because he has pink hair and tattoos or something like that.
  21. cos he made the decision and he can decide with his own ears he dont care what we think we dont have a monopoly on what sounds good a LOT OF POEPLE LIKE RAYS AMPS
  22. how did pizzle become supertrose?
  23. preparation for some sort of wiccan fertility spell.
  24. ramadan in july.
  25. sounds like a 90's dead show.
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