well i downloaded the plug in, and installed a stripped down version of nero burning rom, and it works beautifully through foobar. thanks all for the help, i can start archiving all this music now.
So I've got a bunch of FLAC files that need burnin' to disc so I can play them in my 999es. I don't trust WMP or iTunes. I just downloaded CD BurnerXP Pro and it seems to be a good program. Are there any other programs I should consider? This is specifically for files without a cue sheet, obviously if there is a cue sheet I'll use EAC.
i love the lord of the flies satire on that episode of the simpsons, when all the kids get stranded on an island. someone says "i'm so hungry I get eat arby's"
chik-fil-a is king though. i can eat anything on that menu.
I think just the fact that they are so obviously cost cutting makes them unattractive. In a vacuum they are decent looking headphones.
Personally I find the GS-1000 to be a very attractive phone, as well it should be for a grand. Also the pair I briefly owned smelled fantastic. I really miss that smell.
Well, the [ame=http://www.amazon.com/Mahler-Complete-Symphonies-Anna-Reynolds/dp/B0000589BP/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1/102-4257600-5612108?ie=UTF8&s=music&qid=1186674510&sr=1-1]70's Sony set[/ame] is $130 cheaper then the [ame=http://www.amazon.com/Mahler-Complete-Symphonies-Orchestral-Bernstein/dp/B00000DI2T/ref=pd_bbs_3/102-4257600-5612108?ie=UTF8&s=music&qid=1186674583&sr=1-3]80's set[/ame].
Cool, thanks humanflyz. I'm not a very good judge of performance quality at this point in my classical self-education. I'll look into the Bernstein set as well.
Link To SFS Store
Anyone heard this? I've really been enjoying the Living Stereo / Fritz Reiner Mahler's 4th, and am thinking the above might be a great way to get the whole cycle in glorious SACD sound.