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High Rollers
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Everything posted by postjack

  1. I've been wanting to do this for a while. Sometimes my computer just starts acting wonky, and I know a format and full windows reinstall is forthcoming. about the only thing I really need on it is my music and some pictures (if you call random internet lolcat pictures I downloaded stuff I "need"). But anywho, today I got home from work, and I'd start up my computer, and it would get all the way to the windows desktop, then reboot. It repeated this in an endless loop. Luckily, I always keep an external hard drive with all my drivers, FLACs, and pictures on it. I also keep my Windows CDs in a safe place. Just a friendly reminder to always be prepared! computer is running super smooth now. need to reinstall wow, eac, and foobar. such a pain in the arse setting up eac and foobar again, ack.
  2. lol, okay i've been away from the computer all night, I had to do this test to guess what you all were talking about. I got it on the first try! i got a fever, and the only prescription, is more trose! hey elephas come back, we really are a friendly bunch.
  3. trose?
  4. I look forward to hearing your impressions, especially in regards to how the P5 sounds compared to the Scout (to the best of your memory).
  5. surely there is some post around here where k.g. destroys it?
  6. jpak, I'm hoping you'll be pleased with the results vinyl can provide even on a budget setup. my humble 1200 has a visceral impact that neither of my digital sources can match.
  7. you need to listen to them with good music through my ears and listen for greatness. nah i'm just messing with you, if you don't like them you don't like them. they are hard cans to like.
  8. oh dude, u hatin'. the w5000 mafia bout come rollin.
  9. i like the W5000! also remember elephas has an AT-HA5000, which I want.
  10. basically so long as the k340 sounds like you combine a grado and sennheiser i'll be happy with them.
  11. postjack

    slow forum

  12. postjack

    slow forum

    dur, i done brokes my headphones
  13. the only thing harder to quit then cigarettes was amphetamine, says s.w.i.m. edit: from a purely physical craving standpoint.
  14. Sure, I'll definitely post impressions possibly this weekend after a bit of listening. I'm pretty excited to hear these oft-debated cans. If the sound signature is appealing to me, I might send them to Larry. i've always wanted a headphiled can, but I don't like the dt770 and the sen mods always came across as weird to me.
  15. btw jpak if I don't get my k340 today i'm leaving you very negative feedback everywhere I can.
  16. the K701 don't fit my noggin, so its not an option for me, unless there is some big head mod. I actually considered snipping the the elastics, but that would have destroy resale value. i remember liking the sound alright, but it was one of my first cans. i would like to hear them again someday, knowing what I know now.
  17. jpak, didn't you have two K340s? did you sell the other one?
  18. haha. but how do you get the music to the power outlet?
  19. like the W5000!
  20. i used to buy my cigarettes from romania on the internet. they were marlboro lights manufactured in switzerland. and they did taste different. i'm all quit now though. but i've wanted one everyday since I quit. quitting is HARD. \
  21. Welcome Elephas!
  22. try flats!!
  23. hmmmmm....
  24. is it really space dragons?? this whole time I thought you were editing my posts. [me=postjack]begins forgetting 7/28/07[/me]
  25. I did that IC with my HP2 because my other cans were getting more head time. Then I panicked and pulled the IC. Problem is that the HP2 is still the best for hearing exactly how a recording sounds. But what happens is I listen to something with the HP2, then think "man this is a good recording, I bet it would sound sweet with the W5000/RS-1/HD650," and I switch headphones. hey, I just came up with the name for my new forum! Head-Time. www.head-time.org, "sorry about you being sorry about their thin skin"
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