To Jacob: yes, I do like them quite a bit!
I'm not so far removed from the HP-2 that I can't do somewhat of a comparison. Keep in mind these are based on just a couple hours of listening, but the MS2i is NOT the poor man's HP-2. The HP-2 really is in a class all by itself, and the MS2i does not share a similar signature. What the MS2i has going for it is amazing bass and great mids. On a couple tracks its lost control of the highs, but this control loss is nowhere near as shrill as the 325i (if my memory serves me, its been a while). I listened with bowls for a bit, and it sounded fantastic, but bowls bug me so I quickly switched to flats. The sound is not congested, but the soundstage is teeny tiny, as I've found is standard with SR series Grados.
best part is still the bass. Strangely, their bass reminds me of the GS1K's bass, but nowhere near as superb. I sometimes find myself yearning for that visceral GS1K bass.