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Everything posted by postjack

  1. so I'm trying out blockbuster online instead of Netflix. What appeals to me is that if I'm stuck on Saturday and I want to grab another movie, I can just go swap it out at the blockbuster up the road. Also, I can just drop off my movies instead of mailing them, so as soon as they scan them at the local store, they ship the next disc in my queue. I've had a couple issues where my Netflix movies didn't make it out until wednesday, so I get no movies that weekend. Anyway, I still have my netflix subscription as well, so I've got a nice stack of potential movies this weekend. 28 Weeks Later, The Grudge 2 (I know it will suck), deadwood season three disc one, Devil's Backbone, and Pitch Black (chron of riddick, I really enjoyed the first one, even though vinn diesel overacts a little),
  2. postjack

    The Wire

    i definitely won't even risk posting any spoilers, but how can you "pfft" what happened in the second to last episode of season three?! i thought that was huge! and I loved loved loved season two. Frank Sobotka is one of the most likable characters I've encountered in a TV series or movie. I liked ziggy and nick too.
  3. woots, grats.
  4. postjack

    The Wire

    OK, so I just finished season 3 of The Wire. This show has continued to impress me. Season 1 was probably the most immediately gripping, but season 2 was also fucking SUPERB, if a bit more complex plot wise and emotionally, and season 3 really provided a lot of closure from loose ends left over in season 3, and for me was the most emotional (yes, I got teary-eyed during the last ten or so minutes, it was really intense. You know like when the bigness of a story just gets to you, and you can't help but have a thousand emotions well up inside? thats what happened). Actually season 3 provides so much closure, I can't wait to see where season 4 takes the story (on dvd this december). I strongly encourage those who haven't checked out this show to check out season 1, and then seasons 2 and 3. If for no other reason, its worth it for Omar.
  5. I liked Seinfeld, but I can't really watch it anymore because I've seen all the episodes a thousand times. Having said that, Curb Your Enthusiasm is 1,000,000,000 times better because it is pure Larry David.
  6. k np.
  7. i want an O2 for 1.2k!
  8. Just watched the second to last episode of Season 3 of The Wire. WOW! And Omar is one of my favorite TV characters ever.
  9. quick, somebody send lawyers, hugs, and money.
  10. Not criticizing, just observing. I have the hardest time maintaining a consistent internet handle. Head-case = postjack Head-Fi = jjhatfield Steve Hoffman = 81828384 Fountain Pen Network = Johnson sffworld.com = Jack Asylum = JackJ
  11. Does Nanoha = veniogenesis? I didn't know that.
  12. I second the above design. My favorite part is all the blackgates.
  13. a child's laughter?
  14. I said "somebody" build some sweet gears, then "we" feast off the profit. I'm more of an idea man anyway grawk, a leader of men.
  15. I'm looking forward to listening to the album this evening. If only I could manage to pry the Justice album out of my CDP. I had no idea, but when an album carries with it an overload of sheer coolness, it can cause bonding between the CD and one's system on a level deeper even the the subatomic, meaning pure cosmic spiritual soul energy. Well the Justice CD has so much pure cosmic spiritual soul energy my system won't give it up. I think its about to when I'm yelling at it, but then it starts playing and tells me "just one more time jack, then we'll listen to the new radiohead." But then the first track kicks in and I'm sharing in the universal groove, and then I don't want to listen to anything else.
  16. i said we should have super special sales action. like somebody should make some sweet gear to sell, then we can all line our pockets with the profits and feast off the bounty.
  17. I'm waiting around a bit to see about the new MKII. Either it will be good enough to snatch up, or its appearance will make used O2s pop up all over on the cheap. Anyway, I just dumped a lot of cash into my dynamic rig (Balanced Beta22), so I really don't need any new gear right now.
  18. Somebody should build a super special like gears for a special sales action. So head-case can get all rich, and we feast off the bounty.
  19. I really think I would like the O2.
  20. Well, I think "rock music" is a loaded term when it comes to audio discussion. When I say rock, I don't mean modern brickwalled pro-tooled rangeless recordings, nor do I mean piss-poor Led Zeppelin remasters (not that I like Zeppelin anyway, or the Stones for that matter). I mean more nuanced and breathe-y rock like Genesis or King Crimson, or the analog stylings of Ryan Adams. But on the other hand, even when a rock recording may not be the best recorded and/or mastered, like Grateful Dead soundboards or old Fall recordings, I don't want any false slam added to the mix to make it sound more "alive". So long as my gear portrays what is on the recording accurately, that is what gets me off.
  21. Nothing makes me want to rock out like my RS-1s. More and more I'm coming to admire headphones that sound like great headphones, not like mediocre speakers. For all their faults, Grados do something that my 22L's can't. More and more I'm turning to my speakers for classical works, while the once lauded HD650s hang forlornly on the rack.
  22. we do need electrostat luv 'round here. thats why I'm glad spritzer showed up.
  23. yeh i forgot its hot as hell son, damn. plus when i lose power like three times a week i have to ride a bike to work the generator and listen to my cans, which splains teh swet.
  24. thanks all, it scrubbed right off with a damp cloth. now why the hell would that only show up on my K340? plus its not like I pour sweat while being sedentary listening to headphones.
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