pizzle, why would I steer you wrong? hydrocity's asianness prevents her from fully understanding the american banking system. you can trust me because I am a white male. basically direct deposit is a hoax. The only place you should be directly depositing your money is in a hole in your backyard. That way you can always get at your money when you need it. Also you need guns to protect your money at night!
what were we talking about?
to elaborate: the HD600 sounds noticeably different then the HD650. i also feel strongly that the HD650 is the superior can to the HD600.
damn son, i runned my rs1 balance d from the jack in my SRD-7 with my 840a powerin that shit like loud, damn. i turn up the volpot to the loudest, blew my fool head up on that new shit, it was like OUT RAGEOUS
well heck, in the US its around 19% for a credit card to an individual with average credit, more like 29% (default rate!) for poorer credit. More like 8-9% for good credit.
here's a question for grawk or whoever: does the X series only have the little red dot mouse, or can it come equipped with a trackpad? the little red dot mouse drives me crazy. I can see the trackpad on the T series in pictures, but not the X.
Basically it has new pads and a stronger wire connection to the housing/drivers there. Same drivers.
Initial impressions indicate that there may be some defect in the initial batch. Hopefully this will be remedied.
So I had the day off work, so I decided to have a MAM-A party!
Ingredients for a sweet MAM-A party:
1. MAM-A CDRs. I had 74min Audio CDRs, 74min Archival CDRs, and 80min 700MB CDRs.
2. A CD Wallet or jewel cases
3. Music to burn
4. Caffeinated beverages
5. Time
I hear a lot of talk about the WooAudio GES, but not a lot of reviews from those in the know:
Any thoughts on this amp, specifically how it measures up to the other O2 amp in its price range, the HAKGSS?