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High Rollers
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Everything posted by postjack

  1. Nope, I'm still very pleased with my Record Doctor III from Audio Advisor.
  2. Nope! But the package did arrive today, only instead of shipping via Fedex overnight from TTVJ, it shipped via UPS overnight straight from the manufacturer. Either way I'm just happy to have received it. Pics and stuff later, but don't get excited, its not a big deal or anything.
  3. It is a secret!
  4. postjack

    slow forum

    yes, me as well! I must go out to eat tomorrow night to has cheezburger.
  5. postjack

    slow forum

    No way, really? :'( this is like when I found out the tkam pancake bunny was dead. i feel so close to animals that spawn silly internet memes. :'(
  6. Phish Vegas 96, LE Box Grateful Dead "Road Trips Fall '79", with LE bonus disc
  7. postjack


    I see the pics fine, jpak. They enlarge real nice when I click them. the pics are probably a south of the mason-dixon line only thing.
  8. Just a quick bitchfest. TTVJ states that "All Fedex Express orders placed before noon on a business day will be shipped the same day." Smells like lies to PJ. My order placed on Sunday still shows as "pending", and my credit card has been authorized. And I paid for overnight shipping so the package would arrive before my vacation. So I've sent them an email explaining that now we'll have to totally rearrange our plans, unless of course they did ship out the package today and just didn't tell me. I had the package shipped to work, and I am off Friday, and I am NOT fucking coming into work during my vacation. Well okay I will come into work to get my package. But I will be grumpy when I do it!!
  9. You know there is so much King Crimson stuff. All the CC stuff on DGM makes me dizzy. I have the 4 Projekts though, they are amazing.
  10. You say that, but its hard to get a good taste of the 7 when the 6+ always gives me diarrhea and makes me forget my name for a couple hours.
  11. I think the "high end" of amplification really begins with the βReks Pro-7.
  12. Bah, you should have sent me a PM. Thanks for the heads up though.
  13. Just don't put gunpowder in my cables. might not blow my fool head, but it could blow my fool wall behind my fool audio rack...
  15. Nah, this is an audiophile cop out. Hate to say it, but if it was "all about the music" we wouldn't need HC, or HF, or AA, or sh.tv (the gear section anyway). I am insanely passionate about music, as any of my friends (online or IRL) will tell you, but I also absolutely love gear, and love talking about gear. I believe Reks' comment to be slightly sarcastic, but in any humorous comment lies a piece of the truth. By "lashing out", I mean people feel the need to attack "the headcase thing" when they find they and their gear aren't embraced with open arms.
  16. You don't have to take it as a personal insult when we say your amp isn't "high end". You are not your gear. Newbies to the HC culture tend to feel very threatened by the rather frank discussion, and as a result they lash out. This lashing out is unnecessary, we can skip this step. Or you can leave.
  17. or just snag needledrops where applicable.
  18. Sounds good to me. I love my 840A and 840C. Simple, inexpensive, great sounding products.
  19. separates, really? interesting. cambridge being a budget company i wouldn't think they would go for that.
  20. Okay, sorry I'm confused. Are you saying the SB can be used with pro-bias earspeakers?
  21. But Fitz's was funny as well.
  22. In the greater scheme of things this price doesn't seem that bad to me, considering the alternative is a $1500 KGSS. Thanks for the info Cosmopragma!
  23. gawds i think marantz gear is soooo gorgeous. Looks like the meat was tops!
  24. Ooh, I'd love to find the one with one normal, one pro. Thanks nano. edit: also if anyone sees one of these around, give ole postjack a buzz.
  25. ditto but with lambdas instead. mah vacation starts that friday, woot. saturday its off to the happiest place on earth. :dance:
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