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High Rollers
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Everything posted by postjack

  1. yay! happy birthday dan!
  2. sorry i missed you jb, i need to goto sleep. the good news is i'm not finishing at the bottom of the list anymore, i'm getting a bit better. practice practice practice...
  3. yeah it was fun as hell. the next round was awful. we won but I suck! i need to get some more practice in the free-for-all.
  4. When did oatmeal become FOTM? I like cinnamon in oatmeal.
  5. yes this will be sweet ass!
  6. OK, so the Kindle represents what is quintessentially wrong with digital players of any kind to me: the price of the media. $10 and up for a book that I can't even put on my shelf and admire after I've read it? Absolutely ridiculous. I was thinking the books would run between 2 and 4 bucks. I can get a MMPB for $7-8, why the hell would I buy a digital copy for $2-3 more? At least with iTunes (which of course I still don't use) the cost per album is slightly less then a hard copy CD.
  8. I couldn't find it anywhere. I thought I saw it at Sam's Club but they told me it was discontinued and they didn't have any in stock. They had used/refurb 80gb at Gamestop, but the guy there recommended I get the 40gb because the refurbs are sketchy. I was pleased with his honesty, surprisingly ungreasy. He even told me NOT to get the Gamestop extended warranty.
  9. Sweet.
  10. [stax]
  11. Great idea, I was going to buy a phone headset anyway.
  12. I have the WRT54GS (basically the same router, apparently the "speedbooster" is nonsense), seems to work ok so far. I'd like to get a headset, I used to love ventrilo when I played WoW all the time.
  13. btw, do y'all use bluetooth headsets?
  14. my linksys router seems to work pretty well. when I was setting it up, I seem to remember reading somewhere on the linksys website about an intermittent drop out issue. anywho, here is the link to the FAQ on the linksys forums: http://forums.linksys.com/linksys/board/message?board.id=Wireless_Routers&thread.id=2243 might help, might not.
  15. so I played two multiplayer games last night, and I am horrible. Finished dead last both times. I've never been any good at first person shooters, but I'd like to at least NOT finish dead last in a multiplayer match. Here's hoping the singleplayer campaign will give me some more practice.
  16. i'm not a big VTA guy. I just keep mine at zero and am pretty happy. if a disc is a bit too thick, it just makes the sound a bit warmer, which is fine by me. after a year of practice on the technics, setting up a cart perfect is just a cinch now. it was a steeeeeep learning curve, and the 1200 is a very forgiving and user friendly table, as far as tables go anyway, but i've got it now, no problem. definitely helps to have an arc protractor made for your tonearm.
  17. also, while the RS-1 is slightly more resolving, the HF-1 has less of an upper midrange hump. I imagine this is why grawk & others prefer the HF-1 to the RS-1.
  18. SE, HF-1 has more bass, RS-1 has more space.
  19. sweet! welcome to team there is no stax mafia.
  20. PS3 40GB, Oblivion, COD4. The system was a snap to setup, been playing a couple hours already. That introductory mission in COD4 is intense!
  21. sure, i might see you as soon as this afternoon.
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