I always hear "channel imbalance" in response to this question, but to me thats a pretty weak answer. If my headphones are so out of balance that a step on a SA normalizes the channels, then I just need new headphones.
I think the real answer is what Nate said, that its cheaper. And maybe there is a bit of a cool factor going on as well.
When I applied to medical school, I was like, shut the f up and let me in this bitch and i'll cut fools open for surgery and shit and they was like damn holla pj
I was there, man. One of the all time great shows I've seen.
I think Dose is a spectacular studio effort. I have not even listened to Deja Voodoo or High & Mighty.
Here to celebrate is a trifecta of videos from my city of Mobile, AL!
First, the original newscast:
Second, the hip hop version:
Third, the drum n bass version (nice intro here):
Note that the leprechaun was sighted mere blocks from my current residence!