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Everything posted by postjack

  1. thanks all. it was a great deal, great seller. perfect opportunity to try out a classic amp.
  2. Wheatfield HA-2.
  3. Ahhhh, I see the wisdom in this now!
  4. also, while justin is perusing the thread, any news on the pretty box KGSS?
  5. Don't wear them with a wet head/post-shower. What earspeaker/amp are you picking up?
  6. I'm no HA expert, but I'm pretty sure the KGSS is the only regular production 'stat amp justin currently does.
  7. So I was thinking that we really need an OII-capable tube amp in the $2000-$2500 range. I am seriously haunted by my OII/BHSE experience at Canjam, but I can't spend $4500 on a headphone amp. So the question is: WHERE KGST???
  8. I've definitely done thanksgiving at waffle house.
  9. Krell Sacd Standard MKIII for sale on agon: http://cls.audiogon.com/cgi-bin/cls.pl?dgtlplay&1216257184 $2700 though, significantly more then the multiple MKIIs for sale. Looks like MKIII is an official designation though, as its actually written on the front of the player.
  10. There are a few Mobile/Gulf Coast classics and there are always some up and comers. Anyone who knows anything about stereotypes knows Southerners love food. Dew Drop Inn. Been in Mobile like a thousand years, the best fucking hot dog on planet earth, with lots of saurkraut and a pickle right in the middle. I like to put pepper sauce on mine. One of the best hamburgers ever as well. Its an old fashioned fifties take out style thin slice of beef, toasted bun, thin meat chili. Again I like to do the pepper sauce, no cheese on this one for me. Then real hand flour battered onion rings, no bullshit premade frozen crap. I dip them in ketchup with, you guessed it, pepper sauce mixed in. Definitely a death row/final meal type of thing for me. Hopefully I never end up on death row. They also have tons of other fair and more fancy stuff, but I pretty much always do one dog, one burger, onion rings. Boiling Pot. Fried seafood, also steamed seafood. Gigantic portions, and the place is always a fucking madhouse. A good 10-15 minute wait just standing in line to get to the cashier and place your order, and the line is always all messed up. I worked at a similar place called Neighbor's Seafood and Chicken summers during high school. Neighbors also has fried gizzards and livers over rice or mashed potatoes, smothered in gravy and grilled onions... mmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!! we of course have a waffle house on every corner, which crushes IHOP.
  11. mobile, AL - saenger theatre. Tom Waits "Glitter And Doom" tour. Tickets aren't sold out but it looks like floor and lower balcony are already. I got 22nd row and I bought the tickets minutes after they went on sale. Had to use my iPhone, if I would have had a real computer I probably would have been forward a few more rows. But still these are good seats in this venue, especially since we are on the left orchestra on the central aisle. They were just shy of $100 a pop after fees.
  12. hf sux hc rule
  13. waits tickets.
  14. that last scene was awesome. great episode all around.
  15. tkam, where'd you get your kgss? If its humanflyz'z I'm jealous.
  16. Cool, I didn't know they were out yet.
  17. The Stand. The final volume in the recent post apocalyptic literature spree I've been in.
  18. hopefully this transaction will result in another epic feedback thread.
  19. Downloading shows from places like bt.etree.org is what screws me over. I simply don't have the time or energy to burn them all to audio CDs, although that's the dream. I now have two 500gb drives and one brand new 1tb drive in addition to my regular HD which I believe is 500gb.
  20. I use a 15ft USB cable > HagUSB > Coax, it works great. I needed a long USB cable because I have to have my computer on the other side of the room in a different outlet to avoid a ground hum.
  21. someone with more IEM experience should step in, but I enjoy my ER4P directly of out my 1G shuffle. I believe in most circumstances with IEMs an amp really isn't necessary. i'm not the IEM expert though.
  22. It was hearing the HD650 on so many different amazing amps that made me give it a second look. I think it'll rock on the incoming balanced ?22.
  23. ah, okie dokie.
  24. strangely, all the HD650s at canjam has led me to blow the dust off my HD650 and break it back out. its still quite a nice headphone, and I like the way it treats vinyl. listening to "in rainbows" with it right now.
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