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Everything posted by postjack

  1. I try to love deeply with no attachments. Is it possible to achieve this state? I don't know. Before this past December I was coming off 2.5 years out of a super fucked up relationship. Reality is perfect, because apparently I just needed that time. Then, once I decided I didn't need someone else to make me happy, I met someone else (Laine is right, thats the way it always works). She's a wonderful girl I've been seeing for some months now. She's crazy, but just fun crazy like I am, not insane like the ex (or like I was when I was dating my ex). Anywho, PJ and Headcase loves you X, so I hope that helps carry you through.
  2. postjack

    canjam 08

    i came across em when i straight stole those bitches. daaaaaaammmnnnn!!
  3. I give you, my dream rack! http://www.timbernation.com/ampstand_PopUp.cfm Or some variety thereof. Black laquer over maple, 2" thick shelves. Simple, solid, heavy, attractive.
  4. Mike, this question might have been answered already, but what kind of component rack is that? Looks snazzy.
  5. postjack


    trade wars!! how about usurper?
  6. For me, to SA or not to SA is a question a pure preference. I like the feel of the little clickie things. Whenever I end up buying an HR Desktop (let's face it, its an inevitability), I'll probably opt for the SA. As I'm sure you know the HR SA is very stiff, much stiffer then a DACT.
  7. postjack


    i did the WOW thing for a little over a year before total burn out set it. Played EQ2 a bit, but never really got into it. I currently tinker with LOTRO once every couple of weeks, but I can't seem to get back into the grind.
  8. http://cgi.audiogon.com/cgi-bin/wtb.pl?dgtlplay&1216359002 At the very least, we should be able to properly use the capslock in our ad title.
  9. * Berg, Stravinsky: Violin Concertos / Ravel: Tzigane * Itzhak Perlman * CD * UPC: 0028944744521 * Bach: Mass In B Minor * John Eliot Gardiner * CD * UPC: 0028941551429 * Gershwin: Rhapsody in Blue, An American in Paris / Grof?: Grand Canyon Suite * Leonard Bernstein, George Gershwin * CD - Expanded / Remastered / Bonus Tracks * UPC: 0827969039328 * Beethoven: Sonataen - Waldstein, Les Adieux, Appassionata * Emil Gilels * CD * UPC: 28941916228 * Haydn: The London Symphonies, Vol. 1 * Colin Davis * CD * UPC: 28944261127 * Bruch, Mendelssohn, Mozart: Violin Concertos * Joshua Bell * CD * UPC: 28947567004 Barnes & Noble buy 2, get 1 free classical CD sale. Plus I had a $25 gift card I hadn't used.
  10. happy birthday!
  11. most of my albums are still in boxes. I really need to order four more of these. They are tough, functional, and cheap. Not the sexiest racks I've ever seen, but they aren't eye sores by any means.
  12. when it comes to power and power conditioners its hard to say. The Brickwall made me a believer that a solid surge protector could reduce noise floor and provide a blacker background. You might try it and feel completely differently. But the Brickwall at least to me and my admittedly unscientific brain makes sense, unlike a lot of PS Audio gobble-dee-gook. I'm just not a big fancy power cable believer, but I've never tried anything but Volex and no name power cords in my rig. I have a box of Volex 17604s out in my garage. Might be time to re-up, I should go check.
  13. postjack

    DCD on DSD

    I was expecting a warm full sound!! but screw it, I've got diament masters.
  14. postjack

    DCD on DSD

    I'll look at this as a good thing, since hopefully this means it will be a truly good remaster, and not a hokey hot mess like the Genesis SACDs.
  15. I concur with everything Reks said. Brickwall + Volex. Brickwall wiped away the final piece of my vinyl rig hum.
  16. Steve did an awesome job with the size. I gave him the measurements of the plastic cover and he went from there.
  17. Bill Evans Trio, "The Last Waltz". 8 CD boxed set, $30 at Newbury Comics via amazon marketplace.
  18. My beautiful new OII stand from Steve. Its perfect: The stand uses wenge and asian satinwood. We waited a long time for the asian satinwood to come in, and it definitely was the right decision. Of course these pictures don't do it justice, but in the light it shines a beautiful silver-esque: I asked Steve to make the stand suitable for use with the Stax plastic cover: This is my first fancy schmancy headphone stand, and I'm very pleased with it! I think the OII is a headphone deserving of such a fine stand to rest on. The wood combinations used in this stand just go perfect with the black and silver in my OII. Thanks Steve!
  19. Good suggestion despite the hdmi problem. Regardless, I have the 40gb PS3, which has no SACD capability.
  20. Ah, you're picking at my lack of parallelism. I thought about including "cool" in the cons for that very reason, but there is nothing cool about a failing transport. It is really cool when its working though.
  21. Somebodys having a deepak day. Try searching within this thread for "transport".
  22. Heres a new option I'm rolling around in my head: scd-777es. Pros: -its black! Matches the rest of my gear. This is actually very important to me. Their my toys, I want them to look pretty. -cheaper then the krell or exemplar. Can be had for a grand. -moddable by the likes of RAM. They do the same mods the now defunct but highly praised audiocom/kern did. -one on the gon right now w/ superclock 2 for $1250. The clock mod is considered the most crucial. -uses the same cool transport as the scd-1. Cons: -uses the same transport as the scd-1 -shitty Sony service -no balanced outs (not sure how important this is to me)
  23. to me, Easy Tiger represents the next level in rock song writing.
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