Hello everyone, I'm new to the forums and was hoping that you guys could help me out.
About four years ago, I went out and bought a pair of Sony MDR-V600 'phones for $100. Although far from audiophile quality, they gave me a taste of what I'd been missing out on. Well, I'm now 18 and have a steady flow of pure spending money coming from work, and I'd like to step it up a notch (or several notches at that) and get the 'phones of my dreams. I've got my sights set on the Sennheiser 600's (possibly 650's if I can find 'em cheap enough), but now I am at a loss of what sort of amplifier I should purchase along with the 'phones. I will be using a CD player a lot with them, so I know this is a vital accessory. I listen mainly to electronica and that which falls under the rock category. Bass is not a high priority for me, as I would actually prefer not to have a punchy response distorting the music.
Any input on this matter would be greatly appreciated, as I don't have a clue about this amplifier business.