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Everything posted by PinkFloyd

  1. I hope he manages to get it back in it's entirety, would be a shame to see all that hard work and all those posts lost, I wish them the best of luck and hope to see the place back to normal ASAP.
  2. Definitive answer will be forthcoming on balanced hookup. All the best. Mike.
  3. Have you tried as yet? If so, what think you? Mike.
  4. I've got one in circuit and to be honest it's so natural sounding I find it hard going back over to normal headphone listening. Once the transistors etc. are incorporated into the circuit this promises to be one very special little device
  5. I'd love to hear your impressions it's not every day that a different crossfeed circuit comes about but, when it does, it's worth trying. Unfortunately I don't have any 18K resistors to hand (everything else but ) have ordered some and they will be here Tuesday...... in the meantime if any of you finger on the iron fast guns feel like trying it out and giving feedback it would be appreciated. Feedback in this thread here please, my joint couldn't handle the bandwith, Just thought I'd put this by you guys and trust you'll appreciate it. Pinkie.
  6. http://www.sci-journal.org/reports/vol3no1/v3n1k44.html
  7. Blowing? Over here "blowing the joint" would mean bombing it, you know like "blowing a safe" I hope Graham isn't planning to bomb it obviously "blowing it" means something else in the States? He can do what he likes over there JB and it was me who asked him to get involved, he's got some great ideas and fun to have about the place. looking forward to the DIY headamp, it should be a cracker
  8. Corned beef, baked beans and boiled potatoes fresh from the garden.
  9. Next project will be the Graham Slee headphone amp kit. He's putting it together right now and will be doing a blow by blow over at my joint, should be interesting
  10. Bacon. egg, sausage, tomato, fried eggs, black pudding, fried bread and baked beans.
  11. Stick with the people who love and appreciate you son your pic is being framed as I speak.
  12. Yeh, I was here when it first opened but due to other committments left.
  13. http://www.head-fi.org/forums/showthread.php?t=216213 Give me space to chunder (vomit with great force) my guts out........ absolutely cringifying.....
  14. Twice as expensive, certainly. Nothing wrong with that as KG says. You've got choice.
  15. OK, send me your details and I'll the pants (used) wrapped up and over to you. You win the bet
  16. Don't let the secret out aerius! Hell some people think ipod nano is "high end sounding" Shit man, they'd have heart failure if they ever heard real musical reproduction.... keep it quiet
  17. I disagree. Modding is totally different to producing and selling a competitive product. The DIY community shares ideas (and I've shared a hell of a lot) and it is only by tweaking and discussion that the DIY community continues to flourish. If everyone were silenced then who's left? The commercial manufacturers, the fanboys..... very shallow and not much will be learnt reading fanboy posts.
  18. Maybe not but I'm perfectly aware of the undercurrents
  19. I'll ask you again. You wanna bet?
  20. Cables? I didn't know you made cables? Thanks for letting me know I must have a look out for them
  21. Just to clarify what you're "pretty sure" about (totally wrong by the way) Bennyboy is actually a member over at my forum with the custom title "Custom X-CAN Modder extraordinaire" (I gave him that) any enquiries I get from the US I pass on to Benny (and, before you ask or insinuate.... not a money thing) so there, that's the real deal on that one. Feel free to check him out http://rockgrotto.proboards39.com/index.cgi?action=viewprofile&user=bennyboy
  22. You're automatically assuming that everyone's biased to one particular amp if that person happens to mod the odd one occasionally and therefore shouldn't be allowed to comment on any other amps. Absolute hogwash. The majority of amps I "mod" are not even current production (X-CAN V2) and I've been modding the things for longer than bloody Head-Fi has been in existence (started in around 1996) I've always prided myself on my ear, and more importantly, on my impartiality and always give my honest opinion on an amp's attributes and not once with any monetary, underhanded, motive. Many people have asked me what I think of XYZ amp compared to the X-CAN and usually I'll tell them that I think XYZ amp is better than the X-CAN.... I'm not in this to deceive people (like quite a few people seem to be) and pride myself on my honesty, impartiality and professionalism when it comes to this hobby. To be labelled a member of the trade is, in effect, being silenced with the assumption that anything you say about an amp from here on in will be for your own financial gain.... that's what upset me, nothing else, the fact that these people automatically assume behaves the same way as they do and is only out to line their pockets. I find that highly offensive and absolutely untrue. Think what you like but let me tell you you're wrong on the "anger issue" bit. I speak my mind everywhere, why should I be surprised if others do? You think I live in a bubble wrapped up in cotton wool or something? Try me
  23. You wanna bet?
  24. I tend not to swear just for the sake of it, prefer to use the occasional word to highlight a point.... much more effective than filling every sentence with swearwords just cause you can. Thanks for the advice though
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