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Everything posted by mjg

  1. yep, especially when it's well shampooed, and red.
  2. i like stoves. I also enjoy meat loaf, and carpet.
  3. i like it when breasts are so big that the women has to walk hunched over and needs crutches. I also like it when the women can't talk cuz women talking sux.
  4. awesome mod biggie, i got the silver dragon on mine. Has your cable broken in yet? Would love to hear some impressions.
  5. awesome, i'm curious what you had them cabled with? I had mine recabled this summer too.
  6. wow so the dac is here already. I'm listening with the meta42 i got my dad for now, my extreme should hopefully be here next week. All i can say is, so far i really like it. Very smooth, yet forward sound that goes great with grados. Very articulate, open sound. I ordered an emu 0404 off ebay that ill use for the transport for now, but right now Im using my motherboards spdif which is decent I suppose. I hope this one is a keeper, gonna let it break in while Im waiting on my amp.
  7. YOU KNOW WHAT, you suck! (billy madison style)
  8. i had an ms2i for a few years, and was my favorite can, still one of my favorites. I had it moded by headphile with the silver cable and it sounded pretty awesome. So detailed, smooth top end (compared to the 325's) and great controlled bass (though not over powering). btw, i thought it sounded pretty bad with flats, i only liked them with bowls. Flats made them sound so muddy, and I can tell they were designed with bowls in mind. Not the case with rs1's which I think sound more natural with flats.
  9. dusty i demand pics for this evenings activities. hAHAH.
  10. i'd just put a sign on the back that said inside is nude pictures of dusty chawks mom, beware.
  11. well like, i sent him an email a week ago, he responds sometimes. U can always call and hear the phone rign for awhile, or get lucky and he answers ; ).
  12. Mikhail is a great guy, and cool as hell, but yea, he takes forever to do almost anything, take any time he says and multiply it * 3. Yet, I think he's worth dealing with, and never left me unhappy with any work, always takes the extra step to make things cool. I've had him doing work on my extreme, and had to send it back and forth (twice) because a tube socket was messed up in shipping, he always takes care of stuff for u.
  13. mjg

    November NYC meet

    i think im going
  14. reks, what did u use as a transport with it?
  15. whatever you say nad
  16. reks; Did you try out the is2 interface at all? The transport they make looks pretty good too.
  17. thanks guys, having a raise in salary hasn't helped my audio spending one bit I guess. Would u guys say this is a vast upgrade from the minidac?
  18. hah yea, how'd u guess?
  19. yea i read alot of the stuff u and jpak said about it. I was wondering what u thought of the deal i got? It's supposed to be a mint demo unit...
  20. Thanks guys, im 1100 poorer (so far haah). i went and got a demo unit of a North Star m192 dac. I figured at worse I can get all of my money back, or more... and the reviews i read made it sound like worth a try atleast. The really cool thing about it is the is2 interface, I'm thinking of trying that is2 to usb converter thing I was reading about on the empiricle audio website. For now though, i'll see how spdif works out, so i can atleast tell if i like the sound of the dac or not. Since the dac was cheap enough, i can afford to hold on to both and compare them side to side. Pretty psyched about the acquisition.
  21. did he do a dance afterwards?
  22. im not ready to go buy anything, esp that expensive but I saw he had a dealer in NYC that had them. Wouldn't hurt to go down and check it out one day maybe.
  23. that review he had a link too was really interesting. The guy was comparing it to the reimyo players, I had no idea there were usb only dacs by design that could compete with 20 grand cd players heh.
  24. Icarium, Those dacs look awesome wow. Looked through the review and stuff. Never really thought of a tube dac, it looks pretty interesting though.My only experience so far with a NOS dac was the dialogue II I had in 2005. The 3500 is a bit more then I was thinking but that dac does look awesome. Sources are so freaking expensive. The only thing I'm kinda turned off about is that it's USB only, for that kind've price. Even though I'd be only really using USB only, the design is pretty limited. My amp is single ended though for now so that shouldn't be a problem. I'd love to hear your comments once you finally hear the dac.
  25. Hmm. Where do i get a new one? What are my options?
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