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Everything posted by mjg

  1. mjg

    Pretzel Forum!!

    yea a pretzel forum!!! churros can be there too heh. churros and pretzels whatever.
  2. 360 mafia, "It's Hard Out Here For A Pimp," I mean back in the day bach and motzart had it easy... 360 is so true to point out the hardships pimps face. the oscar awards are garbage. Our culture is pathetic stupid bullshit. i'd sooner give an award to the guy who pours my cofee in the morning then 360 mafia.
  3. shaddup you meat popsicle. I'm full of pretzels.
  4. It was a great idea... Call it Pretzel FOrum, it doesn't have to be just about pretzels... Let it be the inane forum where people can just get really silly... Let it be the pretzel central warehouse where i can go off on intangibile stupid things that make no sense, and we can weave a reallly strange dialogue. come on fellas.
  5. mjg

    My HF1 Mods

    laaaaaaaarrry where's myy pics ?!?!?! ; )
  6. Pretzels are the truth. Pretzels cannot be explained. They are the dough beneath my wings. They are the cause and solution to everything. Pondering a Pretzel is like riding a fly carpet to the ancient market place for starbucks... It's really amazing stuff.
  7. tone image delineation ice cream.
  8. looks like a sherling jacket with a hood. btw, pretzels 'yo.
  9. vagina haaaa
  10. david hasselhoff eats churros. 'nuff said.
  11. mjg

    My HF1 Mods

    i got love for everyone, I know what they are inside, i think without the buttons they will look alot better... I'm keeping the buttons anyhow just in case. I'm gonna borrow my mom's g6 and get some good pictures for everyone, it's a bet ; ).
  12. it's squelching a logical error ; )
  13. mjg

    My HF1 Mods

    niiice can't wait. I hope mine still get to be unique hehe.
  14. yea the button was literally disabled and wasn't submitting the form.
  15. mjg

    My HF1 Mods

    I'm getting a brand new 325i headband. These things are gonna be pimping to a whole new standard ; ).
  16. mjg

    My HF1 Mods

    thanks man hah will do, but please larry post some pics here for the time being!! ; )
  17. mjg

    My HF1 Mods

    thanks for the comments patb... yea i do have occasional rings in my ear from headphones in general... It's the prolonged listening (constantly) that does it... It gets better but only if i remember not to leave the headphones on very long and to take breaks... I dont think its specifec to grados, IEM's have the same problem.
  18. somebody stop the porn!!!
  19. I can't seem to stop the porn pop ups. it seems as if the computer found out i love tits and ass, and decided to pleasure me with tits and ass on it's own... the problem is it won't stop... Is it me or the computer that likes tits and ass more? Why is my computer browsing porn on it's own... btw, is this going to help me get laid? I'm scared.
  20. mjg

    My HF1 Mods

    i was going to ask your cat the same question!
  21. mjg

    My HF1 Mods

    my job is custom... I won't post the price because it's kinda inapropriate i guess. It cost alot more then most people are willing to spend. He doesn't have anymore of this type ebony. He told me he isn't making anymore pairs guys, sorry to burst your bubbles ; ). Yet hey, everyone has their price, if you can name my tune then by all means we can do buisness ; ) hah j/k, i really want these. Here is a hint, these cans cost alot more then rs1's to even headfi's standards.
  22. mjg

    Balanced RS-1's

    i heard the bling with balanced rs1's at the last NY meet. It really blew me away... I've also had the pleasure of hearing them with the new blockhead.... It was my favorite "system" with the wadia 861 as the source... wasn't much of a fan of tyll's music taste, but it was really something else. I preferred it to the balanced 650's he also had available there.
  23. mjg

    My HF1 Mods

    i wouldn't even want to imagine what that would cost...
  24. gotcha
  25. How come the register button is disabled? Trying to get gopher registered here and it just isn't working.
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