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Everything posted by mjg

  1. The guy threw a fit anytime anyone said anything about cd 3000... he is really defensive and that kinda attitude imo is annoying. The guy (sov) takes anything you say about them personally and is totall flame bate. This doesn't have to be a popularity contest, yet I hope he cools his jets here or he will definatley here it from people without impunity! (hahah i used a big word) mbriant is one of the OK moderators imo, but his role in the pretzel tragedy definatley makes me prefer he isn't here as well... yet whatever.
  2. dj mauler, terrymx, boodi
  3. someone please invite lan, archos man, redshifter, tyson, Daycart1... (ill try to rememer more)
  4. mjg


    good to see you on here aaron, how's life?
  5. 1911 is redeemed for his head-fi heroics... Honestly, i had some dislike for his snappy comments at me b4, but he got some ballz. 1911 is an honary team pretzel member. Jahn, i'd invite you but your just a traitor. You churro loving infidel.
  6. ive had franks cables (signal cable), ive had ps audio cables (well the lab cable), ive had quail, now i have the volex cuz grand enigima recommended them. Honestly the sc one is so damn stiff u can use it as a hula hoop. Its nice but annoying like that. they are good. get them, they kick ass for cheap.
  7. my ppx3 6sn7 isnt running a single 6sn7 tube ; ). I sounds better then ever... Adapters are expensive but so worth it... price and sound quality wise.... Keep in mind that I'm using primarily grados (so 5687's do something special here) .
  8. mjg

    My HF1 Mods

    yep it goes great with my nails and bag.... so in this season. accessorize beyotch! hahah
  9. ahem, Jude is a member here mr slacker, ahem.
  10. k, kramer is on the way... not sure how ill contact some others...
  11. how could i forget LAZerZ!?!!? fixed.
  12. someone wake up kirosia's ass and force him to post here. kramer5150, bangpod, habib, radrd (love that guys anger hahah), Tom Hankins (is he here yet??), TheSloth, Tyll !! hmm who else?
  13. hahaha what's your favorite thing out of this list.
  14. HAHAHAH yes i seriously fucking rule ; )
  15. mjg

    My HF1 Mods

    yo momma! ; )
  16. mjg

    My HF1 Mods

    only hf1's i like with the button are the cherry wood ones.... If you go with a button maybe have larry try his new wood dye stuff to get it to match... I haven't seena cocobolo hf1 yet so I'll reserve my opinion until then ; )
  17. mjg

    My HF1 Mods

    they are really pretzels.... its a trick. larry was eating pretzels and they fooled him into making pretzel hf1's. ; ) Larry u should take a bow for your awesome work.
  18. mjg

    How do you fart?

    i fart like a slippery walrus.
  19. pretzels are not simply a food. man off the record, i can't believe you let the pretzels hear you say that... do you know what would happen if we ever forgot the first rule of team pretzel?
  20. mjg

    My HF1 Mods

    the most evil hf1's ever [attachment deleted by admin]
  21. mjg

    Pretzel Forum!!

    Pretzels are a fun word... it gets anal "tough guy" geek people who always have to be right, or can't stand "non-sense" people's titties twisted in a not... Yet that's now why we keep talking about pretzels. It's funny, it's an inside joke, it's just something to type which makes me giggle... There is no "explanation". It might go awaye ventually, but for some reason i still talk about it... Peopel still find it funny. It's a big fuckign joke to me that people are requring that explain my fascination with something so inane... It's almost self perpetuating wether you want to admit it or not... Otherwise, why are you even inquiring about it or feeling compelled to know about what this whole pretzel thing is? It gathers alot of interest, it's a totally obsessive thing that just makes me want to bla bla bla bla... that's about all i can tel ya.
  22. mjg

    Pretzel Forum!!

    Your begging for us to ask you to explain your "Brown stuff" so please go ahead, school us on entropy you anti pretzel zealot. btw, despite your analogy, entropy is a measurement of chaos in a closed system is it not? The scope of randomness is the full capacity, entropy is the achieved level of randomness given that scope.
  23. happy birthday, don't get lost in a gallois field ; )
  24. let that fool be made a fool of... he's famous for being a rude asshole, dressing up in drag won't make him a humble man... let the media humble his ass... He has nothing on the greats, they didn't need to shoot up.... Assisted athletes like Barry are cheaters in every sense of the sport, in that they get an edge not everyone else gets. A true champion is one who doesn't cheat the situation to perform at a awesome level. Barry bonds is a defacement and embarassment to baseball history. I honsetly feel any of his memoribilla related to setting the home run record dips in value and people see him for the joke he is.
  25. mjg

    Pretzel Forum!!

    Listen stephen hawkings... I like entropy, if entropy means pretzels... don't hate the pretzel my brother, hate the game.
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