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High Rollers
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Everything posted by mjg

  1. que pasa homey
  2. mjg

    Pretzel Haiku

    once, twice, thrice the price dustys mom costs per swallow the fine pretzel treat
  3. mjg

    yo momma jokes

    Yo momma like a shot gun, two cocks and she blows! Yo momma like spoiled milk, fat and chunky! Yo momma is like a racing car...chick burned four rubbers in one night. Yo momma like Domino's pizza -- Something for nothing.
  4. mjg

    Pretzel Haiku

    dusty drinks urine pretzels own his ass proper david hasselhoff
  5. i missed that damn episode... i wish they'd rerun it soon.
  6. mjg

    Pretzel Haiku

    I know you were kidding... what a douche bag for trying to apologize. hehe lighten up fella. i'm a big boy and i can take a joke... but you got nothing on me foolio. btw, your gay. sausages are your friends.
  7. Your Mamma is so ugly her nickname is hairy pooter Yo momma's so fat Her blood type is Ragu. Your Mamma is so ugly, she went to the bathroom and scared the sh!t out of the toilet. Yo Momma's so poor she uses cheerios as earrings Yo momma's so fat She could sell shade. Yo Mama's so stupid when she heard someone say it was chille outside,she went and grabbed a size 20 bowl. Your momma's so greasy she got a job at the cinema - buttering popcorn with her leg hair.
  8. mjg

    Pretzel Haiku

    btw, i will use pretzels to destroy all who stand in my way. continue the pretzel entertainment!
  9. mjg

    Pretzel Haiku

    wow man, that was uncalled for!
  10. mjg

    Pretzel Haiku

    you're poem should be about pretzels. douche bag.
  11. it's in case you try to get into an argument and sue the company after your dead... "look kevin, death is final... you just can't change your mind... but want a heaven pretzel?"
  12. i think he just farted on his hand and now he's smelling his finger tips.
  13. mjg

    Pretzel Haiku

    pretzels taste delicious head-fi nipples twisted fuck shit ass poop fart
  14. no... we are known for cursing. now stop fucking bitching. btw i own a hornet and like it u sloppy slut.
  15. yep go mets! fuck the red sox though... on principle.
  16. yikes/hirsch, I think i might get a modded denon as my next source. Can you guys compare the modded 2900 to other players in it's price range new/used and modded. I'm looking to drop around 2 grand +/- 500 this summer probablly on a player. What's the good news for me?? Any advice appreciated.
  17. sorry i messed your thread up. earl, yer old style supra looks hawt.
  18. hahahaha stop changing your avatar every 3 seconds. i'll leave the thread alone, i'll go be a dirty monkey boy somewhere else.
  19. it's you're, not your! yes i am a dirty monkey boy.
  20. yuck i didn't know he offered such services... Whatever floats yer boat!!! hahaha i'm too much
  21. atleast i don't eat my own poo. (but you do !)
  22. ray samuels entire line. nothing can compare. if you disagree, your banned. pretzels.
  23. SDS (xlr or non) blockhead that's the bottom line if u ask me. there are some others, but you asked for the best.
  24. they are like the number one biotech company. they make and distrubute lots of drugs.
  25. i cant wait until im working, so i can get a balanced supra slam, emmlabs source, wire made out of the superduperest blessed cable known to man... then I'll top it off with 100 pairs of r10s and l'll smash one of them and send pictures to head-fi... cuz im silly.
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