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High Rollers
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Everything posted by mjg

  1. where is the pretzel option. if you do not conform to the pretzel interface you are an invalid .
  2. I would not trade a grain of freedom for a bowl of fascism. In a fair world this wouldn't even be a consideration. Shit happens all the time. The government is to be given soverignty by the people, not the other way around. Ignorant lawmakers who close their eyes and let a "terror" sitution enable people to practice outside the bounds of our laws in the name of security means , we volunteer our own freedom and agree to allow peoople with a very skewed perception of the world make unfair decisions about our lives for us. I'm not shocked to read about this kind of stuff... What does bother me though, is the general ignorant attitude most people towards the kinds of practices going on which enables it to only get worse. I don't care how paranoid people are, if you don't know what the patriot bill is enabling the government to do, do not support it. People need to accept responsibility for themselves for the state of the way this country is. It is our fault we let the government do such fucked up stuff. Brushing off stuff like this in the name of security will not improve our situation, as there no doubt we had the very same intelligence back when clinton was president. It's not what I have to hide, it's the fact I don't, and shouldn't have to hide from anyone.
  3. oh, i thought this thread was going to be about me... my mistake ; )
  4. my attempt at a political thread... no one cares? bah humbug. not even dusty to make a sneering comment at me? fuck you guys... serious.... i'm going to pout now.
  5. http://www.cnn.com/2006/POLITICS/05/11/nsa.phonerecords.ap/index.html i mean i always knew it was true but we really live in a brave new world and their is no apology over that, is there? Aint it scary.. i mean, persistant storage has been cheap for awhile, and low fidelity records are cheap space wise. so why not... it was possible even back in the late 90's
  6. duhhr. i guess your right, and i'm an idiot once again. ^
  7. actually, if it's m^3 then anything in front of M is a coefficent. so (1.1447M)^3 = 1.1447^3 * M^3 = ~3.03M^3 but M^3 + .5M^3 = 1.5M^3 he said 50% more, not 200% more. 200% more of 1 is 3 since. 50% more of 1 is 1.5.
  8. want some? they taste like chicken... pointy chicken.
  9. i'd be bitching (and wondering) where my bass was, if i used stax.
  10. in that case, i'll sell the evil ones for $2000 shipped. I'll throw in a free smile. ; )
  11. audio technica is going to make another flashy headphone that sucks. sennheiser is going to make another HD series headphone that sounds the same. grado is going to make a new woody headphone, called the gs1000. it's going to be super cool. Sony is going to make a very sibilliant headphone designed to be a prop for a science fiction movie. if you touch it, it breaks.
  12. mjg

    new tool album

    fine, bitch all you want. WAAAH! I hate bob saget, WAAAAH, i'm dusty and someone through sand up my cooch...> WAAAAH. btw, what's your favorite tracks people? Jumbi? Or wings part 2? both are swweeet. Thsi album gets me seriously pumped up, next on my agenda is the new chilli pepper album, and david gilmour.
  13. mjg

    new tool album

    wings part 2 is the song... hells. btw, i started thsi thread, if you got a problem shutup and leave. k thnx
  14. mjg

    new tool album

    Bob saget is a god. Watch your mouth or fear his wrath.
  15. with all these "anniversary" and "special" AT woodies, aren't they all not so special anymore? just a thought...
  16. i heard they have free soda in there.
  17. mjg


    your a ghey.
  18. mjg


    who's the monkey now? eat my shit. you like it... for you, it's a delicasi. monkey bitch.
  19. mjg


    YUM. shes totally fucken hot. i wanna toss her salad.
  20. mjg


    getting ass rode by bob saget must have seriously ruined your childhood. sorry man.
  21. mjg


  22. mjg


    yes master. thanks for the cheese.
  23. mjg


    you have marginalzied me. I'm deeply offended. fine. no porn for you... yet we can curse all we want. welcome to the party larry. hi.
  24. i pleaded the fith. and masturbated.
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