I would not trade a grain of freedom for a bowl of fascism. In a fair world this wouldn't even be a consideration. Shit happens all the time. The government is to be given soverignty by the people, not the other way around. Ignorant lawmakers who close their eyes and let a "terror" sitution enable people to practice outside the bounds of our laws in the name of security means , we volunteer our own freedom and agree to allow peoople with a very skewed perception of the world make unfair decisions about our lives for us. I'm not shocked to read about this kind of stuff... What does bother me though, is the general ignorant attitude most people towards the kinds of practices going on which enables it to only get worse. I don't care how paranoid people are, if you don't know what the patriot bill is enabling the government to do, do not support it. People need to accept responsibility for themselves for the state of the way this country is. It is our fault we let the government do such fucked up stuff. Brushing off stuff like this in the name of security will not improve our situation, as there no doubt we had the very same intelligence back when clinton was president.
It's not what I have to hide, it's the fact I don't, and shouldn't have to hide from anyone.