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Everything posted by mjg

  1. indeed.
  2. finally we agree on something.
  3. Hey, I sort of got donated a hp pavillion flat panel (actually I had to buy the AC adapter, but still not bad). I want to use this as a tv in my bedroom @ parents house... I rather use it as a dedicated TV since I already have another 2 flat panels on my machine... I've been trying to research these units and can't find any real info/reviews. I got some decent info on this viewsonic unit http://cgi.ebay.com/Viewsonic-NextVision-N5-TV-Tuner-FOR-ANY-LCD-MONITOR_W0QQitemZ8814322618QQcategoryZ99228QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem anyone familiar with this viewsonic nextvision n5, or n4 ?? Or units similar in functionality??? I rather not flip a 100 bux for one of these if i don't need to. Any suggestions?
  4. i really dig my ipod nano. the battery life isn't the best, but it's decent. Really handy gadget.
  5. toslink is always optical. though fiber optics don't always use the toslink interface ; ). http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toslink Some materials are better at propegating light then others. Alot of people say glass is better, and most TOSlinks are made of a plastic/glass material, or a cheaper plastic. Real glass fiber optic cable is much more expensive , usually reserved for telecom type applications.
  6. thanks everyone, bout to go out and celebrate some more... get some food and stuff. hard to believe its over... so far i'm at a 2.98, i need to get back one more grade... if it's another A I might hit over a 3 for my final cum. GPA.
  7. thanks people, i'm not sure about grad school anymore... I was sort of offered a scholarship but only if I got a really good GRE score... I really lost the motivation and bombed the GRE when I took it.... I think i just want a job for now. I'm pretty schooled out : / No immediate plans.
  8. who's graduating college? don't we rule? I'm gonna be 26 this summer... bout FUCKING time. It's pouring rain, and my stupid graduation outfit is gonna get all wet... what to do hmph.
  9. yes, you are special now ; ) one of us, one of us.
  10. man i coulda had some like tommorow afternoon, if i actually ordered a pair : / sucks being po'
  11. oh oh let me guess.. is it ray samuels? or... ; )
  12. grr nevermind. not my night sorry haah. I keep misreading shit... time for bed. wtf happened to this thread anyway? The title of the thread wasn't meant to be a literal topic of discussion... You guys went off here.
  13. trying to sell it man... actually I NEED to sell it. i'm funding this purchase on the skin of my teeth. I got an offer i just couldn't refuse. I'm stoaked as hell man. ; )
  14. nevermind, i fired too fast... sorry.
  15. I'd pork in her rear. ; ) here is my choice:
  16. heh, ew u use opera? Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.7.10) works here.
  17. what sort of browser are you using? U mighta shut off.
  18. thanks dog, never heard one of those, it seems like a very understated/underrated headphone. I'm getting an apogee minidac to replace my dialogue II/emu1212 combo. I'm seriously psyched on that note... I know jahn likes it alot, i respect a fellow insane gradonauts opinion ; ) I wanna be able to feel that bass in my kidneys. rock on.
  19. dood, make it animated... like before: after haha nice work dood.
  20. i'm going to eat your children.
  21. i don't mean to shit on you zach, your a buddy of mine... but your blanketed statements gotta get blasted. I don't hate republicans, and I'm actually not terribly political... A good buddy of mine is the head of campus republicans, he's a total lemming when it comes to politics but a good guy anyway. SOrry if i came off to hard on the republican stuff, but you really gotta think about the bigger picture sometime before you come off saying the president doesn't really have any power. That is like the biggest understatement i ever seen you make.
  22. presidents can't do much? zach, do you know what commander in chief means? Dood... get real man. The president has much more power then you understand. The asshole signs bills, he appoints supreme court judges, he nominates people for offices... his people... It's great and all if your a good ol boy rich republican who is benefiting (carlyle group, haliburton) but if your an ordinary person, a minority, a foreigner, or anyone who has to clean up the mess generated by these fuckers it's something else. The world is a fucked up place. The president right now isn't doing a horrible thing, say as horrible as like hitler, stalin, that doesn't make light of how fucked up he is making the country. Beyond that, if you think your bubble is so well protected don't forget your perfect age and well elligible to get sucked in by a draft once he has thoroughly depleted our armed forces. Seems now that we are occupying 2 more countries, soon to maybe be 3 (if he is dumb enough to fuck with iran or korea). I guess you might have a distinct opinion on the man rather then an apathetic one. Yea, but look food for oil wasn't the real reason we dominated iraq, it was the WMD's and the horrible saddam husein who killed his own people... right. I love people who claim to be for this country, claim to support our fucked up involvement in other places in the world, but have no leaping desire to say enlist and get their own hands dirty. They love our raised standard of living, and don't know or care for a thing ouside of it. Republicans only give a shit about keeping themselves rich... they don't give a fuck about minorities, public health care, or improving our country one bit. Since bush took office, it's been one disaster after another... he has had plenty of time to make big changes and help the country, but all he has done is help his friends out.
  23. Oh man... Why did i just finally wait to pop my flat pads on the these badboys.... i didn't much care for them on stock hf1's, but what a huge bass impact... it brings the sparkle in the highs a bit back from the larger chambers, and sacrfices sound stage a touch... but wow.... amazing. Not saying I prefer one or the other, but this might actually satiate my urge for a gs1k or rs1 down the line... it doesn't get much better then this for me.
  24. mjg

    new tool album

    ooooo i love the pot. fucken awesome haahah YOU MUSTA BEEEEEN HIGH YOU MUSTA BEEEEEN HIIIIIIGH
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