i'll let the pretzel groupies alias remain anonymous. you know who you are...
"on good authority, since headfi, as you know, is the bastion of absolute knowledge, i have found out that pretzels do by no means make the world go pretzel. i demand your custom title at head-case be changed. oh oh, i mentioned head-case in a pm at headfi.
and ..........
have yourself a pretzel day, even though, they DO NOT make the world go pretzel!"
comment back:
Let it be known to all, I am a mere ambassador of pretzel kind. The known pretzel creator, hungrych, is the sole authoritarian on all pretzel policy and practice. Yet, he answers to the higher pretzel supposedly, this is unconfirmed. If you cunts don't like this, then too fucking bad.
pretzels will be the arbiter of power in the new world. welcome to generation pretzel... respect the pretzels.