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High Rollers
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Everything posted by mjg

  1. Let us all know. It's important. If your a chick (all 1 of you I think) you may pick cetoole's mom as a default response. lets go!
  2. nevermind, i can figure it out.
  3. u guys on efnet or what? what server?
  4. it's a latino slang for man. people on internet like to talk like wiggers. yikes looks awesome. clean power for u.
  5. 1 seems skinny, and probablly flat... 5,6 are pretty. I can't tell well enough about 2, 3... 4 has curly hair tho which i don't like (also tall). i'd take #6. To my standards though, all are pretty.
  6. mjg

    yo momma jokes

    yo momma is canadian
  7. mjg

    GS-1000's Arrived

    philodox= canadian cocktail fruit.
  8. mjg

    yo momma jokes

    thrice's momma is so fat her neck looks like a pair of hot dogs
  9. mjg

    yo momma jokes

    yo momma so stupid she asked edipis reks how to admin her forum. OHHH DAM
  10. hahaah earl u killing me man
  11. enjoy em, sounds sweet.
  12. its laurence fishburn meets jay leno
  13. mjg

    Pretzel Forum!!

  14. mjg

    Pretzel Forum!!

    look out fellas, this tool means buisness. The pretzels mock you. Anytime you wanna go at it with a pretzel, stop and pickup a bag. at that momment, they own you. You must pay the pretzel, your pathetic nerd hammer will do nothing.
  15. mjg

    Pretzel Forum!!

    the pretzels made me do it, take no offense to the sharp edges of pretzel. the dark side of the pretzel is often the salty side, so take care when envoking the ire of mr salty. k thnx.
  16. mjg

    Pretzel Forum!!

    i'll let the pretzel groupies alias remain anonymous. you know who you are... "on good authority, since headfi, as you know, is the bastion of absolute knowledge, i have found out that pretzels do by no means make the world go pretzel. i demand your custom title at head-case be changed. oh oh, i mentioned head-case in a pm at headfi. head-case head-case head-case ........... and .......... have yourself a pretzel day, even though, they DO NOT make the world go pretzel!" comment back: Let it be known to all, I am a mere ambassador of pretzel kind. The known pretzel creator, hungrych, is the sole authoritarian on all pretzel policy and practice. Yet, he answers to the higher pretzel supposedly, this is unconfirmed. If you cunts don't like this, then too fucking bad. pretzels will be the arbiter of power in the new world. welcome to generation pretzel... respect the pretzels.
  17. they have lcd monitors now with tuners built in... i'm sure they come with remotes. For all of the efforot in investing in this (i learned alot more from the lik-sang forum they have on vga adapters) it seems it just aint worth it.... for decent quality you need to buy a device called a scalar which costs like a minimum of $300. No thanks heh.
  18. +1 Screw them, that is one of the big parts of why head-fi has started to suck, yo get these idiots that join head-fi like in feb 2006 and think they are entitled to something and it's a community obligation to fufill that. total nonsense... too bad. Life isn't always fair.
  19. no, that has nothign to do with this device (or devices like it). If your monitor has power saving featuers like auto hibernate then i guess that could work. I plan on keeping it on my desk at arms distance.
  20. he was invited here from the begining.
  21. mjg

    They're here

    i heard they are coated in john grado's snot ; )
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