Hi everyone
I want to create a new bedroom rig to replace my old sony minitower.
I will be using the next gen ipod nano that will arrive in september as the heart of the rig and then probbably the onkyo ipod transport, i can connect a dac to that via spdiff or coax but I am not sure which one yet.
I want one with xlr output and either spdiff or coax input. I want to spend 400 euro max.
I was thinking about the dacmagic but the little dot dac_i uses the seem dac chip and has xlr out although the rest of the chips or implementation might be different. It is a lot cheaper though.
I was also thinking about the buffalo II with placid power supply and the line stage legatto and maybe another placid power supply but I would need a builder for that so it might be more expensive
The first two dacs use a wolfson chip and the buffaly uses a sabre chip.
Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance,
Greetings, Anouk,