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Everything posted by revolink24

  1. Happy birthday, Ethan.
  2. I kind of don't want to hear this. But at the same time, I know I won't be able to not listen if a recording is procured.
  3. Happy birthday!
  4. That's a pretty snazzy bow tie you've got there.
  5. I guess you and I just aren't cool enough to need to fuck off.
  6. I bass more like "HI-FIman". Is Audeze more like do SENHISER bass? Music Bass is for Me Important.
  7. Ooh! I didn't notice that box on the right the first time. Which Headphone is Right For You? Your Result: LCD-2 Congratulations, you have shown yourself to be an individual who either prefers listening to music 25 seconds at a time, or who has titanium plates welded to the sides of your skull. Your reward is a brilliant pair of headphones that look like they were built by a steampunk LARPing society. Result Breakdown: 84% LCD-2 80% Stax SR-007 Mk. 2 75% JH13 0% Fuck Off Quiz Created on GoTo Quiz
  8. I ALWAYS make sure to wear my watches in base 64! Edit: Darn, you fixed it.
  9. I was confused when I saw F--- off. I didn't think you would bother to censor fuck yourself. I was pretty shocked myself at the 0% fuck off. I was sure I would have done something wrong. Not sure about the LCD-2 recommendation, though. I think your algorithm might be slightly off. I prefer the HE-6 and SR-007, myself.
  10. Sherwood, I applaud you. That quiz is awesome. Congratulations, you have shown yourself to be an individual who either prefers listening to music 25 seconds at a time, or who has titanium plates welded to the sides of your skull. Your reward is a brilliant pair of headphones that look like they were built by a steampunk LARPing society. Runners up: SR-007, JH13. I approve. I didn't even get any fuck off.
  11. It's not so bad now. I find plenty of stuff to do on campus and in Rochester (but it sucks if you don't have a car.)
  12. I just wish there were more Head-Casers in the area, and that it weren't so damn hard to get to NYC. .
  13. Update from academic side.
  14. That seems to be what Magnepan has always been good at: price/performance.
  15. Sounds amazing.
  16. Same.
  17. Okay, it just was begging to be posted. Sadly, most of the time I'm in my dorm on 100mbit ethernet. The academic side of campus is usually an even 150/150 or so, the residential side throttles upload.
  18. Home: School is something like 200 down/40 up, so that's not even fair.
  19. Would be awesome if you came, I'll see if I can finally get that SSMH made with that box o' parts. I'm trying my darnedest too, but it's hard to find a way to get there. I have to somehow get from Rochester to there without spending a fortune. (Which means I can't stay at a hotel.)
  20. Chai Spice Yerba Mate here.
  21. A local liquor store. I think they were actually supposed to be $4, but in buying a bunch, the guy gave me a deal. It may have been $3.50, but it was definitely less than the usual $4. I don't mind. $5 is pretty high though. The BevMo online price is $4 if I remember correctly. The highest I've seen for it was $6 - but that was for a 22oz bottle at a bar.
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