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About revolink24

  • Birthday 07/21/1992

Profile Information

  • Interests
    Lurking head-case since 2010
  • Gender


  • Interests
    Hi Fi, Watches, Pens, Photography, Cars. Expensive things, it turns out.
  • Occupation
    Something about internet security?
  • Hobbies
    See Interests. Also I play StarCraft.
  • Headphones
    HD800, JH5, AirPods Max (hey they're alright)
  • Headphone Amps
    SSMH, Torpedo, Crack, O2
  • Sources
    Technics SL100C, DACMagic, Apogee Duet 3, Yamaha receiver
  • Other Audio Gear
    KEF LS50 Anniversary.

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  1. I think people can and should have fun with our audio bullshit, music is fun and cool. But there is a way to do that without a bunch of self-aggrandizing hot air. The claim that the headphone design makes recordings "binaural" and the room effect commentary is too much for me to get over. The fact that several concepts of acoustics are fundamentally misrepresented but presented authoritatively is... not great. Plus, we are inventing brand-new acoustic concepts! Fun! This person also has a pair of $10k-ish interconnects in this system. Make of that what you will.
  2. That review seems... absolutely deranged to me. So much pseudoscientific jargon. Invented a bunch of new words and pointless graphics and ultimately says nothing materially useful about the headphones' sound. Not to mention the parts that are based on established acoustic science like ITD and HRTFs demonstrate a complete lack of deep understanding of the underlying concepts. Feels like the author is using a Wikipedia summary section-level understanding of acoustics to sound more credible and knowledgable than they are. Embarrassing.
  3. Love a Tank, I actually bought one recently (Must Solarbeat) "for my partner" and definitely not because I wanted to "borrow" it "occasionally". A couple of other random pics from the collection while I am here. First, the current daily driver. Love it. Been on a bracelet recently though. I'll save the bracelet look for a future post. And then there is my baby. Action shot. And yes, for reference my wrists are SUPER tiny. That Oris is a blessing as a 36mm dive watch.
  4. Saw a teardown of one of these and honestly think it looks great. I don't need one but I'm pleasantly surprised to see AT put more effort than they needed to into making this a quality product at a decent price point. For most young people getting into vinyl I honestly think the new Sound Burger might be the best choice on the market due to built in bluetooth/preamp and the easy setup without fussing with cart tracking/alignment/tonearm height etc. Certainly miles better than any of the usual big box/department store options and more straightforward than the AT-LP60X. Not to mention more fun. Seems like every record store I've walked into recently has had at least one young person in there looking for T Swift.
  5. I went to a Jazz bar in Aomori, Japan that just happened to have a gorgeous JBL Paragon with a bunch of sources including vinyl. An absolute highlight. If that bar was near me it would definitely be draining my wallet.
  6. Ha, knew this would come up. Actually already ordered some, though it hasn’t been so much of a problem yet. There are decent enough isolation feet on the table, and the cabinet weighs hundreds of pounds, so it's pretty tough to shake it much, especially since I’m using a sub. Realistically I know at some point that I should get a separate stand for the TT. That said, speaking of the old PS-X tables I haven’t found anything with feet as good as the gel feet that Sony used to use. I’ll warn you it isn’t cheap 😬 furniture prices went wild since I bought this. https://www.roomandboard.com/catalog/storage-and-entryway/media-cabinets/hudson-media-cabinets-with-wood-base
  7. This is about as late as a reply can get (what can I say, I don't check in as often as I used to), and this was AGES ago, so I may very well be misremembering, but I think the first turntable I bought was Ari's old PS-X5. Vintage Sony PS-X turntables seem to be made for the head-case crowd. Too bad they are a reliability nightmare (specifically with the auto functions) but boy, they sure sounded good. I actually just replaced my rig after a brief love affair with my vinyl collection, where I remembered that I liked the activity but wasn't completely happy with my setup. Now rocking the lovely but much more trouble-free Technics SL-100C with a VM95SH into some KEFs in my living room setup. I'm sure it can get better than this but it's hard to imagine by much. Sure my high-res digital sources still probably sound better, but I still dig the romance of spinning bumpy plastic. And it's fun to spin vinyl at a party over my multi-room audio setup even if streaming vinyl over Wi-Fi feels wrong. Oh, and yeah, where some may have speaker stands, I have cat trees. The price of having pets. (P.S. back to the topic at hand, being a relative young'un, my first record was Arcade Fire's Funeral. I will accept your judgment.)
  8. Wonder what we will lose in terms of commercial products with this. Or worse, what will happen to the commercial products that suddenly have to swap out opamps on a short timeline and end up silently screwing new customers with a worse-performing product. A tale as old as time.
  9. I keep hearing this over and over from the couple of people who have been trying to convince my F1 23 group that we should all bail and jump to iRacing. But it turns out it's hard to convince a diverse group of people to jump over to something so... scary.
  10. revolink24


    So pretty and I'm sure well-made given it's TE. But I'm not convinced of its utility. They have a matching microphone (CM-15) and mixer (TX-6) as well, which I feel similarly about. Then again, everything they have ever made has been really neat but very expensive niche products... Kind of the Leica of the field recording (and electronic music production with the OP-1) world. Or maybe more like vintage Braun, given the obvious Dieter Rams influences. Paying 80% for a design and experience and 20% for a product.
  11. I think I'm going to pick one of these up as an experiment for a desktop amp. I typically prefer a "shittier" amp (looking at you, ASR) with my desktop HD800 setup but this one is a unique enough engineering exercise for me to be curious. Will post detailed internal pics if I get it so that the KGs of the world can tear it a new asshole while I am listening, if they haven't already. P.S. Speaking of Orchard, perhaps not the right thread but they have some interesting-looking DIY components. Fully assembled boards, many of which can be hats to a raspberry pi for streaming/dac. Pretty neat to see such forward-thinking DIY, even if I prefer the monotonous zen of hand-soldering through-hole PCBs. Detailed and realistic-looking but good specs. Hmm. I might like these guys. Someone could make a pretty sweet integrated streaming amplifier by combining the pecan pi+ DAC (which has a built in headphone amp) and their starkrimson amp. Might have to swing by their demo room next time I'm passing through NJ. https://orchardaudio.com/pecanpi_plus_implementation_spec_test_results/ https://orchardaudio.com/starkrimson-150w-specs-and-test-results/ https://orchardaudio.com/starkrimson_ultra_500w_specs_and_test_results/ P.P.S. / Edit: They do have some useless products too, which always concerns me a bit. Who is the target audience for a $300 DC-Coupled active RCA-Balanced converter? weirdos who have a turntable but demand that their whole signal chain be balanced? And no internal pics? idk man! https://orchardaudio.com/shop/stereo-rca-to-xlr-converter/
  12. I find that compression is a bigger factor in quality to me than resolution - I'd rather watch a 1080p Blu-Ray than a 4k Netflix stream any day. UHD Blu-Rays though... oh man. Planet Earth II in UHD does... things to me.
  13. Making me feel wholly inadequate with my two year old 55EF9500. Congrats, what a set.
  14. I felt bad about my tests today, but then, putting it in perspective, my life is as good as one can hope for. Wishing everyone the absolute best.
  15. I definitely agree, it's probably actually my favorite post-rock album. I still enjoy Mogwai and other post-rock bands, but there's just such a special feeling with F# A#. I feel like it transcends the genre, and despite whatever the artists themselves may think, it gets close to the level of classical music when it comes to music as art.
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