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About NapalmK

  • Birthday 04/05/1990


  • Biography
    ....it all started when I was born
  • Location
    Oak Ridge
  • Interests
    Tennis, swimming, soccer, football, racquetball, kayaking, music, woodworking, movies, games
  • Occupation
    Undergrad in Materials Science & Engineering/ORNL intern
  • Hobbies
    Flyfishing, guns, classic cars, hiking, computers
  • Headphones
    LCD-2, AD2000, modified T50RP, RS1 (w/Flats), CK10, Fostex T20 v2, YH-3
  • Headphone Amps
    GLite(w/DPS), Asgard
  • Sources
    MisterX y2, uDac, Sansa Fuze
  • Other Audio Gear
    ADS L620

NapalmK's Achievements


Newbie (1/6)



  1. NapalmK

    Audeze LCD-2

    I just got my LCD-2s a couple of days ago and they are astoundingly good. I'm seriously considering selling all of my gear because of these things. On my poor man's setup (uDac>GLite(w/DPS) I can tell they would benefit from a good source and a bit better amp. Still it's not a bad setup at all for low-budget. I think I'm going to upgrade to a y2 or parasound pretty soon though. Oh HDen how did your leather headband cover turn out?
  2. NapalmK

    Audeze LCD-2

    Thanks a lot! I really wish I could grab a GS-1 but the money won't be there for a little while. I might pick up the Gilmore X2 when it comes out though. It looks very promising.
  3. NapalmK

    Audeze LCD-2

    I'll be using a GLite as well unless I can manage to swing an upgrade. Any impressions would be great! Has anyone been able to compare these to the HP1000s?
  4. How do you like that combo? Not sure I'm one of the "y'all", at least the FOTM cults part. I don't think I've purchased anything based on FOTM trends. Most of my buying is based on the deals I can find. Hence, why I have an AD2000 and W1000. I'm a cheapskate. I got those for on the recent MF deal and am realizing my current setup isn't quite cutting it. Anyway, I'm going to get a Dynalo (or G lite) or M^3. Then if I'm still curious and have enough money, I'll order an Asgard and do a comparison. The loser gets returned/sold.
  5. Yeah it is/was. I got it for the reasons that Yikes mentioned. Mainly so I can take some sort of amplification with me when I go to the library to study. It's not anything magical but it gets the job done. Lol. I probably will. I've been looking at the dynalo and M^3 for a while so I'll probably go that route at least until the Asgard cools off. Any other suggestions for sub $300 amps would be great too if you feel I've missed an important one.
  6. I'd love to hear how this compares with the dynalo and M^3 and it's synergy with with AD2000s and W1000s. There's a little too much hype on HF at the moment and not enough info. This will be my 1st (well after the EF2 and uDac) good amp and I don't want to get caught in a FOTM trend.
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