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Everything posted by Driftwood

  1. Ugh, horrible driving conditions -- left work after it had been raining/freezing/snowing for about an hour and just barely made it home as the roads are in a terrible state. Strange thing is, as I'm driving home, almost getting stuck, I'm behind a plow, but he isn't plowing… what the heck?
  2. The aeronaut is slightly trapezoidal, and the way it is structured, it really seems to avoid bulge even if you pack it pretty full. My wife is about 5'2" and loves hers, it doesn't seem too large on her at all.
  3. Congrats, what are you going to drive them with?
  4. What, Head and Shoulders is made by Dr. Bronner's now?
  5. I thought recent models were slightly more efficient, something like 85 watts...?
  6. "IT HAS GOOD TIMBER" If I ever post a review over at HF, I'm going to have that as my summary.
  7. Coincidentally, I also had homemade lentil soup.
  8. I sure hope we can expect hour-by-hour burn in updates.
  9. I don't know about the rest of the Rega digital gear, but after lusting after the Saturn for many years based on its looks, I was frustrated by the glacial load times, not to mention the feeling when using it that it is really a glorified portable cd player. Maybe a Rega DAC would be just the ticket...
  10. Siggi Ármann - Mindscape I am very sad to find out that he died a few months ago. I'd love to get his other album Music for the Addicted.
  11. Indeed. One thing I've learned in my short time here is to take it or leave it as it is. I'm not sure asking for a change is going to end to your satisfaction, especially when you are the one who is exhibiting antisocial behavior.
  12. Yeah, that was bugging me too -- you can change it in your settings to show only unread items, not all items changed since your "last visit."
  13. By the way, I was thinking about watching a movie at my home, and I thought there was an article about how to do that. I can't find it now; did it make it over?
  14. Click on your name on the top right, and select "Messenger." My messages carried over.
  15. Works for me?
  16. Agreed. Amazingly fast.
  17. sigur rós - ágætis byrjun
  18. Looking good so far...
  19. I just bought a pair myself!
  20. Congrats Birgir! That cake looks amazing!
  21. This thread is full of win.
  22. A beautiful set up there Craig! The knob looks great. What are the tube dampers you are using on the el34?
  23. Also, a little on the crumbly side. I like the pain a l'ancienne recipe from the aforementioned bread baker's apprentice, it does require kneading and rise time (overnight in the refrigerator) so it is much easier if you have something like a stand mixer which can do the kneading for you.
  24. Just got around to downloading this app, totally makes reading this forum from the iPhone way more enjoyable. The search function seems completely useless though, even when I know the exact title I am looking for (say this one, for instance) it still doesn't show up in the search results. Actually, it is only slightly worse than the website which will tell you what you are looking for is somewhere in a 800 page thread, but won't tell you which page. I have to use google to find anything.
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