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Everything posted by Driftwood

  1. Just as a data point, when I bought my JC-1s on audiogon, the asking price was $3500. I think the resell price is impacted by the original price being $6000/pair, which still shows up in a lot of searches since it was quoted in a lot of the reviews.
  2. I'll take 4 if they are still available. I've added myself to the spreadsheet.
  3. I'm a little confused by your spreadsheet, but I'll take two complete sets of everything, including the 2x PSU option (I think that is what I filled out?)
  4. Now you are just being purposefully obtuse. Basically what you are doing is the equivalent of wandering into a group of people who talking and joking around with each other, and after strolling over and hearing someone jokingly insult their friend, you just jump right in and start insulting everyone to "fit in" and after wondering why you are getting chilling looks, start challenging everyone to a fight.
  5. Tamba Trio (1964) Vinícius & Odette Lara Caymmi Visita Tom Tom Jobim Por Maysa
  6. If you (or anyone) decides they want to make a bunch, I'd take about dozen
  7. I hadn't really been following this thread as I don't have any interest in the FiiO E7 or its measurements, but it turns out it was an excellent read (I still haven't read the original review though, and probably won't). I think this is a great thread for people who wonder whether or not they would fit in here and what this forum is all about. NwAvGuy, I think you are being a little overly defensive. I think the folks here want to like you, but I think you need to learn to have a little humility and understand how to take criticism. You talk about things in sweeping generalizations, but when it comes out that you don't really have much experience with the items you are generalizing, you wonder why you have a credibility problem? State your measurements, draw your conclusions, avoid the hyperbole, and accept criticism in the spirit it is offered, and you'll do fine.
  8. Ah, yes, thanks for bringing up the extended back. Without it, there is really only about a half-inch of clearance for your cables; the extended back makes me feel much more confident about ventilation as well.
  9. Agreed. I bought one based on other posts here, and it has been great. Their customer service has also been great as well (I ordered direct).
  10. Isn't pretty much a requirement to do an alignment after installing new tires? I've never heard of someone getting tires professionally installed and not having a balance and alignment being part of the deal. Is the choice between them charging for it, or them not doing it at all? It seems like professional malpractice if they are willing to send you out the door without an alignment. A free alignment ought to be the bare minimum you should receive for their screwup. I think you ought to have all four tires replaced as there is no guarantee that the new ones have been wearing evenly if they are on there with tires that have 89,000 miles on them. I would word your email much strongly than you have, imho.
  11. Just catching up on this thread. I'm really sorry to hear about this. I know how devastating it can be both financially and emotionally. You'll figure the finances out somehow, I'm glad to see you are giving great emotional support to your wife as well. You'll be in my thoughts and prayers.
  12. RAID is absolutely not a backup. I've had RAID systems where the controller malfunctions and destroys the data. RAID is intended to provide higher availability. You might feel good about how your data is redundant until something goes wrong and you lose everything anyway. There is no substitute for having your data on two separate systems.
  13. Woah, totally forgot about that album. Digging it out now...
  14. Could that behavior not be explained by the amp not getting proper ventilation/overheating and the operating outside the design specs? I think if you want to leave an amp on for a prolonged period of time, you would want to make sure it is properly ventilated.
  15. Glad everything seems to be working again! I'd be interested to hear opinions on your questions as well. Every time I am finished listening to my "earspeakers," I unplug them and short the pins together. I'd like to know if that is really best practice.
  16. If the 727 has multiple inputs, have you checked that it didn't get switched to the wrong input? What you are describing sounds like when I've done that to my amps including when I freak out because I'm convinced my amp must be broken...
  17. Thanks for doing the legwork on this. Are you planning on ordering both assembled and unpopulated boards?
  18. I don't know, you started out okay but things are starting to go rapidly down hill. You started this thread with the comment that you were pleasantly surprised with the 770, so why not just leave it at that for a while and enjoy them until the flaws become more apparent to your ears? I understand the desire to try various headphones until you find something that "works" for you, but I can't help but feel you are making a mistake. It feels like you are trying to chase after acceptance/validation of your choices, and not actually make those choices based on your own experience. I know you want to boil everything down to differences between the frequency response charts, and that is fine, but there is no real substitute for experience. I think you should spend more time with headphones that you said yourself that you were pleasantly surprised with. Edit: nevermind, I see I'm too late. Any wagers on how long it takes before feeling unsatisfied with the HD600 and wanting to move on to something else?
  19. I think the likely source of that rumor is that people over at head-fi who already had well-used 600s bought the 650 and found that it was tighter, but misattributed it to a design change and not to the fact that it was simply new and the pads were firmer.
  20. I'm interested.
  21. Does foobar2000 work on macs? I'd be interested in the test but I don't have any computers running Windows.
  22. Yeah, I don't know what is going on with that, I called to order to make sure what I was ordering made sense. Their phone service has been great in my experience.
  23. Haven't noticed any rattling or buzzing, I think the metal is too thick for that. The powder coat is really nice, and they have all kinds of accessories you can use to make it look more like furniture. I have the double width caddy (and caddy wrap) and the double width metal top, and it looks pretty nice. My wife wanted CD storage that would keep the CDs out of sight and the can-am cabinets have been perfect. I'm just not sure what we are going to do when we fill up this one, we don't really have room for another one. We were hoping to be able to store our DVDs in the new one but it already seems like we won't have enough room as it is.
  24. An excellent point.
  25. A second cam-am media cabinet to hold my CDs: For those who are looking for something to hold CDs/DVDs, I'd highly recommend can-am. They cabinets are stackable and can come in something like 18 colors.
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