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Everything posted by Tuberoller
How do you know that I did not purposely spell with small caps? Perhaps my use of small caps was a means to predicate my initial fraud. Perhaps I conspire to further defraud the ignorant among you. Do you assert that my lone error of the use of small caps is enough to confirm my place as a fraud? Do not place stock in such circumstantial "proof". You already know what I think about assumption. You should know that you are one of few whom I would allow to perish should I be charged with your rescue.
Why didn't someone else think of this? You know Peter, you are a fucking master of abstract intellect and overt knowledge.
I don't know..... where might I find these rare and unusual pics of the mysterious and fabled Tuberoller? You know, So I can post them.
I don't know guys.... That looks like a classic Tuberoller pic to me. Tuberoller isn't a person, he's a state of mind, a personna. He exists only in lore. I heard he didn't survive the Amp Wars. He gave his life so that there might be peace and so that all the assholes could come here and circle jerk one another. There is a bit of Tuberoller in all of us. BTW,when they start handing out Bronze Stars for tugging on belt buckles, I'll send a pm.
I'm not a Firefighter...... I just play one on the internet.
Nope I'm not Tuberoller.... You know ,they just let strange Black dudes into firehouses and allow them to take pics and slip on the $8000 nightvison vapor masks. And that guy looks a to be about 80-90 pounds lighter than Tuberoller ever was and he looks a lot more muscular. You win the prize buddy..... I'm not Tuberoller. That guy would also be wearing the wrong color Blouse since Tuberoller claims to be a Captain.
Yes I am !!!!!!!! Hello Boys and Girls!!!
How many questions do you need me to answer Billy? I been off the planet for a while and there's no way I'm gonna be able to answer all those. Record show: Car in the lot was a Copperhead Viper with a Black Top
??????? I guess you can't vouch for me, cause I got no idea what you're talking about.
I'm surprised nobody took this sig just to be a dick and have some fun with it. I'd have taken Kevin Gilmore if some asswipe little lawn gnome hadn't taken it already.
Cause I don't have any. He's a figment of my imagination. Like everything else.
I wish someone would believe me? I'm so hurt by all this. I need KG for validation of my life and all that is so empty in it. Please help me. BTW,Hi Gopher. You gradute law school yet?
I guess you can ask Todd too.
Well, I don't recall. Shaq and D-wade are here for Dwayne's clinic on 12-26 and the game against Chicago on the 27th. If you wanna fly out and take pics, I'm sure I can get you in, to the game and the clinic.
Well, It's been awhile. How would I know you besides your sig. I'm serious,I don't remember.
Yeah right, You gonna come take the picture? That's an invite. Are you the dude that works at the Harley dealer?
BTW, Angel teres (Isiah is his real name) is a real person aand showed up at two Chicago meets. He is pictured at the Chicago meet that was held at Van L Speakerworks and few years ago and he is also pictured at the second NYC meet held about a month later. I wish I could make up a cartoon character like him. What else?
OK, The only cars I now own are my Trans Am,1965 Malibu and 1994 S10 pickup. Though I lease a 2005 Magnum SRT-8. I never claimed to own any other cars but a 2004 Z06 which was sold to a Head-fi member and the 2004 CTS-V which was driven to several meets and seen by literally dozens of meet attendees. I also posted numerous pics of all my cars including shots of me racing them in that same stupid white helmet that I have owned since I was a teen. The only thing I ever got free was a cable from ZuCable and only because Andy swears he never sent it and refused to cash my check. I hold an IBEW 134 union card, so I guess they print those on the back of Cracker jack Boxes now.
Is Tuberoller a dumbass? I didn't know you felt that way. Give me something that only Tuberoller would know and I'll happily call it out.
It gets better. When I was in the hoop I got raped and the only person I could think of was KG. Does that mean I love him? Do I really hate him? Why do my feelings quickly alternate between love and hate? How can I resolve these feelings without resorting to needless violence? I have so many questions and so few answers. I am so conflicted.
The G-26 was free. I'm not complaining. They give nigger a free gun,he's gonna carry it.
You should see how goofy they look with a 33 round mag hanging from them. We do that cause they say we can only have two mags. One ten round and they failed to specify the capacity of the other one(hence the 33 round). Anyway, I only need one round for that fool KG.
I run wit dat Glock 26. They issue those at the CFD now for all officers.
I'm sitting here naked in my old marine uniform (that barely fits over my huge gut) jerking off to the sound of my Ray Samuels amp while listening to some DJ Quick and Eazy-E. If I ever see KG again he better be heavily armed.
yep, I did all that and caused that whole amp-wars garbage. . I also hid a 9mm Glock in my afro at every meet just in case Kevin Gilmore came to get me. I'd say that in order for a conclusion to be reached a small thing like PROOF might be required. Since I know for a fact that you don't have any, I'll conclude that once again all you can do is assume, which we all know is the tool of fools and idiots.