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Everything posted by deepak

  1. deepak


    Bitches Brew: 40th Anniversary Collector's Edition [CD/DVD/LP], Miles Davis, Music CD - Barnes & Noble Miles Davis Bitches Brew 40th anniversary edition for $80 shipped, sale ends tomorrow. $125 everywhere else or $96 shipped from milesdavis.com Vinyl is original mix and pure analog mastered. 3 Cds and live DVD concert
  2. Two classics last night
  3. Happy birthday Stretch!!
  4. Very nice, congrats!
  5. Nice I will be resting up my Jets warbirds this week. Not that one of them can play
  6. Thanks everyone! Quiet night tonight for me, but I will be celebrating the coming weekend
  7. Shelly it's my birthday tomorrow, please go easy on my team this coming week
  8. I was talking about Lucas not you
  9. A frontal lobotomy would do that. Or is that the amygdala. Off with his head
  10. Aww JP you were one post short of winning the pool
  11. Cool! I thought Lucas was set on keeping his versions on DVD/BD and not offering alternatives. I'm indifferent to Star Wars except for KOTOR series
  12. I believe quite a few films didn't make their way onto DVD/BD but are available on Laserdisc. Also Star Wars geeks cling onto them since they're the only versions other than VHS tapes that have the unedited versions. Well other than the fan edited digital files.
  13. I believe these folks are the US distributor: Cattylink Analog Research I'd contact them
  14. Lost to Brent. fuuuuu (only kidding Brent ) I really need to pay more attention
  15. Ha didn't think most people would get that reference
  16. Don't forget to pair a Bada amp and K701 with it
  17. Nice. Brotherhood of Steel are a bad ass group. Nothing cooler than a group of people that worships technology aka big freakin guns and heavy armor
  18. In that case when I said MKP they were Mundorf M-Cap MKP
  19. pw how goes the Fallout progress?
  20. And the SAA Equinox was an improvement over the HD650 stock cable with the HD650. Bigger difference than the Cardas/HD600 cable. For how much those SAA cables cost I agree other improvements could be made to ones system first.
  21. My 2c. There was a definite change in sound switching from stock cable to Cardas on my old HD600. I wouldn't necessarily say it was better or worse though.
  22. Cool, do update us on what you think of the Pearl 2 when it's finished. I don't know if this will be of much help, but I preferred the Pearl 1 with MKPs in the RIAA section vs Solens. Though I believe the MKP one was also using PRP resistors ( )
  23. Reference Recordings uses 24/176, Keith Johnson prefers that sample rate. Give me good old 16/44 any day, tens of thousands of CDs to choose from and CDs are now cheaper than ever
  24. What do you know, I just tried streaming music from the Touch/USB drive combo to my laptop and it works. FLAC 16/44 files. The Touch interface is super easy to use. If they can use an iPhone/iTouch to play music then the SB Touch isn't that much different. You also have access to a pant load of radio stations (and the radio station logo is displayed too), which is what I use a lot of the time.
  25. I'm not sure if it can. Perhaps Grahame or other SB aficionados might know. What a few people on other forums are doing is running a single drive NAS (ie QNAP TS-110 around $180) with SlimServer loaded on it so they can use the NAS with multiple computers or Squeezebox devices.
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